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Data Science and Social Inquiry Assignment 資料科學與社會研究 (Instructor: Hsieh, Ji-Lung 謝吉隆, 2018)

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資料科學與社會研究 Data Science and Social Inquiry

Assignment written by ChingRu

2018, The Department of Economics, National Taiwan University

As title,就是放我寫的Assignment的地方喇

Assignment #2 No later than 10/07 23:59 (3 points)

  • 繳交方式:統一上傳. rmd 檔案與. rmd 檔案所 generate 出來的. nb.html 或. html 兩個檔案(務必成功 generate 出其中一種. html 檔)。將兩個檔案壓縮後上傳。如果不會操作 R markdown 可以參考這個影片說明
  • 完成課堂 R01_2 vector.Rmd 與 R01_4 dataframe tp theft.Rmd 最末的練習。請務必用 R notebook 或 R Markdown 編寫,助教屆時將會優先看. html 檔,沒有成功編譯成. html 檔的會扣分。
  • 下載 R01_5prac load and summarize tweet data.Rmd,練習完,並嘗試對這筆資料做點分析,並提出你的發現。
x.a <- rnorm(1000, 1, 10)
# 1.1 Filter out extreme values out of two standard deviations
a1 <- x.a[!abs(x.a - mean(x.a)) > 2*sd(x.a)]

# 1.2 Plotting the distribution of the remaining vector x.a
# 1.3 Calculate the 25% 50% and 75% quantile of vector x.a. You may google "quantile r"
# 1.4 Get the number between 25% to 75% and assign to x.a1
# 1.5 Plotting x.a1
x.b <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k")
# 2.1 Get only elements at odd positions and assign to x.b1
x.b1 <- x.b[(1:length(x.b)) %% 2 == 1]

# 2.2 Truncate the first 2 elements and the last 2 elements and assign to x.b2

Assignment #3 No later than 10/14 23:59 (3 points)


  • 第一題:在 Paid maternity leave 的練習中,我們繪製了最後調查年代為 level 5 的兩張不同國家長條圖。請嘗試修改程式碼,畫出 level 4 的那兩張長條圖。
  • 第二題:下載或直接讀取空氣品質資料,並依照 R02_3 read json ubike.Rmd 的方法繪製空氣品質地圖。上色應依照空氣品質監測網的上色方式。
  • 第三題:讀取以下資料集中的任一個並轉成 Data.frame(當然是 json 檔,不然 csv 編錯還得了)

Assignment #4 Try to scrape at least one, at most 10 pages of one sites listed as follows:

Assignment #5 Scraping news report

  • Try to scrape and parse one news website (必須要是非得剖析背後的 html 不可的網站,例如鉅亨網背後是 json,那就沒必要用 html)
  • e.g.,, apple news, udn news, ...
  • with one query to get at least 100 news reports
  • Store your data as .rds or .rda
  • Zip your data, .rmd, .html file into a zipped file, then upload

Assignment #6 text analysis basic using dplyr, tidytext, and ggplot2


Data Science and Social Inquiry Assignment 資料科學與社會研究 (Instructor: Hsieh, Ji-Lung 謝吉隆, 2018)




