Swiss knife in pocket of every upgrade architect!
composer require rector/swiss-knife --dev
Do you use Git? Then merge conflicts is not what you want in your code ever to see in pushed code:
<<<<<<< HEAD
Add this command to CI to spot these:
vendor/bin/swiss-knife check-conflicts .
Note: The /vendor
directory is excluded by default.
Have you ever forgot commented code in your code?
// foreach ($matches as $match) {
// $content = str_replace($match[0], $match[2], $content);
// }
No more! Add this command to CI to spot these:
vendor/bin/swiss-knife check-commented-code <directory>
vendor/bin/swiss-knife check-commented-code packages --line-limit 5
To make PSR-4 work properly, each class must be in its own file. This command makes it easy to spot multiple classes in single file:
vendor/bin/swiss-knife find-multi-classes src
Is your class in wrong namespace? Make it match your PSR-4 root:
vendor/bin/swiss-knife namespace-to-psr-4 src --namespace-root "App\\"
This will update all files in your /src
directory, to starts with App\\
and follow full PSR-4 path:
# file path: src/Repository/TalkRepository.php
-namespace Model;
+namespace App\Repository;
Do you want to finalize all classes that don't have children?
vendor/bin/swiss-knife finalize-classes src tests
Do you use mocks but not bypass final yet?
vendor/bin/swiss-knife finalize-classes src tests --skip-mocked
This will keep mocked classes non-final, so PHPUnit can extend them internally.
PHPStan can report unused private class constants, but it skips all the public ones. Do you have lots of class constants, all of them public but want to narrow scope to privates?
vendor/bin/swiss-knife privatize-constants src
This command will:
- make all constants private
- runs PHPStan to find out, which of them are used
- restores only the used constants back to
That way all the constants not used outside will be made private
Happy coding!