This repository contains the next generation of the Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK). The contents of this repository are 100% open source and released under the BSD 3-Clause license (see LICENSE.TXT).
Supporting GATK4 on IBM Power architecture, including enablement, performance tuning and optimization. The package is built from source code with adding PairHMM native library for supporting Power VSX/Altivec extension.
- Latest version v4.1.8.0 built on 07-02-2020
- Older version See other branches
- GATK4 package built on IBM Pwer9 GATK4 on Power9 full package (downloadable) is available upon request.
- Benchmarking scripts to run GATK4 pipelines on IBM Power system
- Clone GATK4-Power
git clone
- Run installation script to complete the installation
- Generate runscript (Germline)
- Run docker script and upload to your system
docker run -t gatk:
Contact: Ruzhu Chen ([email protected]) for support
- Note to user: The Power9 download is password protected. Please contact me for more info.