A delusional framework for automatic testing of http endpoints
This is a http request /response testing framework, inspired mostly by Postman. A simple cli tool that can run test cases defined in an excel file in an opinionated format. This framework is purely written in Rust and is a terminal application.
You may download the executable from the releases page here. Note that the latest versions do not support windows binaries.
Check if the binary is working properly for your operating system. Run the executable with -h or --help to see if this emits a meaningful usage output.
Usage: ./satyanaash [options]
-s, --start_row START_ROW
Set the start row
-e, --end_row END_ROW
Set the end row
-b, --base_url BASE_URL
Set the base URL
-t, --test_file TEST_FILE
Set the test file
-w, --worksheet WORKSHEET
Set the worksheet
-g, --groups GROUPS Set the test groups
-h, --help Print this help menu
-v, --verbose Print verbose information
Note that -s and -e options are not stable and they mabe be deprecated in future.
First you need to decide and define your test requests in an excel file (.xlsx). Here is a screenshot which shows few samples.
The program now supports a concept of groups. You can create groups of related test cases by using a group:
followed by a name
for the group. Any test cases under this row are treated as part of this named group, until eof or encountered by another group.
A group will let you define test cases in a more logical and practical manner. For example, you could define scenarios of tests, by defining the following test cases within a group. For example, the below set of operations end to end.
- login -- POST /login
- package creation -- POST /pkgs
- Get the package by id -- GET /pkgs/:id
- ..
- logout -- POST /logout
Once you define your test cases in the excel file, you may execute the test program using the excel file as an argument.
$ ./satyanaash -t /path/to/your/excel-file.xlsx -v
If your excel file has multiple groups, you may choose to execute any specific group by its name as below.
$ ./satyanaash -t /path/to/your/excel-file.xlsx -v -g one,two,three
This version also supports a new feature called config. Config feature allows you to define a test case specific configuration within the excel's test case row.
Using the config column of the test case, you could tweak the behaviour of each test case as in:
- delay time interval or delay (in millis) after which the test case should be executed.
- repeatCount The no. of times this test case should be executed in a loop. During each loop iteration, the pre-test-script is evaluated and all placeholders are re-substituted. This helps in executing each iteration with a fresh set of values.
- authType Should be either
. authorizer indicates that execution of this test case generates a a JWT token, which could be used by any subsequent test case. In the same way, 'authorized' indicates that this test case requires a JWT.
Adds some nonsense...