mandelbrot Public
Forked from guciek/guciek.github.ioJavaScript examples & toys.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 9, 2016 -
express-stormpath Public
Forked from stormpath/express-stormpathBuild simple, secure web applications with Stormpath and Express!
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 20, 2015 -
ember-inline-edit Public
Forked from kindlyops/ember-inline-editInline editing component for ember.js
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 29, 2015 -
bitcoin Public
Forked from bitcoin/bitcoinBitcoin Core integration/staging tree
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 7, 2014 -
bitcoind-simple-send Public
Forked from taariq/bitcoind-simple-sendBitcoind simple send example using the commandline
Ruby UpdatedJan 20, 2014 -
strip_attributes Public
Forked from rmm5t/strip_attributesStripAttributes is an ActiveModel extension that automatically strips all attributes of leading and trailing whitespace before validation. If the attribute is blank, it strips the value to nil.
Ruby UpdatedMar 8, 2013 -
devise_oauth2_providable Public
Forked from socialcast/devise_oauth2_providableRails3 engine integrating OAuth2 authentication with Devise
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2012 -
ratings-exporter Public
Forked from sorens/ratings-exporterExport ratings from Netflix using this Ruby on Rails code for the "ratings exporter for Netflix" service running on Heroku.
related_select_forms Public
Forked from russjohnson/related_select_formsRails plugin to easily create related select boxes in forms.