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Software to extract baseband data around candidate FRBs, create filterbanks, and make various diagnostic plots.

Designed to work (more or less) exclusively with DSN data products and assuming the JPL singularity environment.

The first version of the pipeline was written by Evan Zhang (Caltech) using some scripts written by me and Aaron Pearlman (McGill). Final version (and all bugs) by me.

Processing Options

Available processing options are:

  • Filter single pulse candidates
  • Convert vrad file to cs
  • Produce filterbank(s) from cs
  • Bandpass, RFI flag, and combine pols
  • Plot burst dynamic spectrum
  • Estimate scintillation bandwidth and plot ACF


Running is (quite possibly) very easy. You just run the script and pass all the parameters through a parameter file:

python params.txt

The parameter file is a text file and is parsed by the script. It is not a python module that is imported. This is only important in so far as you cannot use other variable names or math / string operations to construct new ones. Every variable and value are read simply by splitting the line at the equals sign and taking a key and value.

Parameter File

Here we will go through an example parameter file, which can be found as params/params_23m041_sband.txt. We will first provide a section of the parameter file and then explain it.


# Directory containing the vrad files
vrad_dir = "/raw/23m041"

# vrad base
vrad_base = "23-041"

# Names of info / sp time files
#  -->  Place these in output directory
inf_file = "scan.table.23m041"
sp_file  = "slcp.singlepulse"

# Filter sp cand file to remove duplicates?
# Can also set SNR threshold and sp_match_fac,
# which grows the min separation by which cands
# are said to be matches (1.0 means just the widths)
sp_snr_min   = 10
sp_match_fac = 1.25

# Time resolution (in us) of singlepulse file
sp_dt_us = 10.24

In the first part, you need to specify where the raw data (.vrad) files are using vrad_dir. The vrad_base parameter is the base name of the .vrad files. Using this basename and the frequency band (provided later), the script will glob on the base name in the vrad directory.

You also need to give the names of files providing meta data info and the arrival time of the burst candidates. The inf_file is either a PRESTO .inf file or a scan table file. The sp_file is the PRESTO singlepulse file. These files both need to be in the output directory (specified later). The input single pulse file can be filtered with a minimum SNR cutoff (sp_snr_min) and by removing duplicates found within sp_match_fac times the width of a candidate. Finally, the time resolution used for the single pulse search is needed (sp_dt_us) to convert pulse widths in bins to seconds. The time resolution should be specified here in microseconds.


# Output directory
outdir = "/data/frb_pipe/23m041/sband"

# Output subdirectories (shouldn't need to change)
cs_dir = "cs"
dada_dir = "dada"
fil_dir = "fil"
png_dir = "png"
vdr_dir = "vdr" 

These parameters specify the output directories. You should only ever change outdir, which specifies the top of the output directory. This is where the scan table and single pulse files should go. The subdirectories will organize the various data products. Don't change these.

###  STEPS TO RUN  ###

# Use (0 or False) and (1 or True) to
# set which steps to run

sp_filter   = 1
vrad_to_cs  = 1
cs_to_fil   = 1
combine_pol = 1
plot_fil    = 1
plot_scint  = 1

# max number of processes to run at
# once with parallel processing
nproc = 4

In this section we set which steps we want to run. You can either use (0 = dont run, 1 = run) or (False = don't run, True = run) to select which you want to run. Most steps will require some previous data product to be available. It will check that they exist first, and skip otherwise. The nproc parameter sets the number of processes to run in parallel.

###   VRAD -> CS   ###

# Frequency configuration of data being processed (freq_dat)
# and of the single pulse file (freq_sp).  The names for these
# configurations are defined in vrad2cs/
freq_dat = 'sband-1'
freq_sp  = 'sband-1'

source = "J1810-197"
scan   = 1
tskip  = 0
telescope = "robledo"
data_amount = 3 # in seconds

These parameters deal with the conversion from the telescope data format (vdr) to a format readable by SIGPROC and other pulsar software (cs). The source and telescope specify data about the observation and data_amount specifies how much data should be read around the burst (needs to be integer second).

The scan parameter gives the scan number of the scan we want to process. This is only required when using the scan table. The scan number can be found in the last column of this file. If scan = -1 the the first line will be used regardless of scan number. Otherwise it will read each line and check to make sure the scan number is the desired one.

The tskip parameter gives the integer number of seconds to offset from the specified start time in the scan table. This can be useful if the telescope was not actually on source or if you have split the scan up into smaller subsets for processing with single pulse search (for example).

The first two parameters (freq_dat and freq_sp) give the frequency setup for the data we are processing (freq_dat) and the data that was used for the initial single pulse search (freq_sp). These may be different when, for example, you want to extract X-band data around S-band bursts. The frequency setups are named and specified in vrad2cs/ under get_freq_info():

if fkey == "sband-1":      = fkey      = "s"
    fsetup.pol_names = ["SLCP", "SRCP"]
    fsetup.sub_freqs = [2250]
    fsetup.sub_bw    = 100

elif fkey == "xband-1":      = fkey      = "x"
    fsetup.pol_names = ["XLCP", "XRCP"]
    fsetup.sub_freqs = [8224, 8256, 8288, 8320]
    fsetup.sub_bw    = 32

If you want to add any other frequency setups, you can do that there.

###   CS -> FIL   ###

cs_base = "s"
dm = 178.850
nchans = [8000] 

These parameters are used during the conversion from complex sampled baseband data (cs) to filterbank. The cs_base is used to glob on the needed cs files, which will generally start with (slcp/srcp or xlcp/xrcp). In this case where we have s-band data, globbing on "s" is sufficient.

The dm here is the dispersion measure of the burst, which will be used for coherent de-dispersion when making the filterbank and used for de-dispersing in plots later. The nchans parameter is the number of channels to make in the filterbank. This has to be a list, but you don't have to give more than one value if you don't want. If you do give multiple values, then this will produce multiple filterbanks.

###   ZAP + COMBINE POLS   ###

lcp_base = "slcp"
rcp_base = "srcp"
comb_base = "sbnd"
ez = 0.10  # edge zap
dthresh = 10.0 # Fractional diff threshold
nwin = 5 # window size

These parameters are for the rfi flaggin, bandpass correction, and polarization summing steps. The base names give the first parts of the filterbank files. Generally these are just "slcp/srcp" or "xlcp/xrcp". The remaining parameters are the edge zapping (ez) and the threshold to zap bad channels before combining the polarizations.

###   PLOT BURST   ###

offset_file = "offset_times_sband.txt"
fil_base  = "s"
plt_dt    = 0.1  # plot at this time res in ms
plt_chans = 100  # plot at most this many chans
tdur = 0.2       # grab this much data for plot

These parameters are for the plotting of burst candidates. The offset file contains the burst time relative to the start of the (usually) 3-sec data chunk. The fil_base is the base name of the fil files that will be globbed for. By using just "s" or "x" you can get both pols and the combined data. If you just want combined then you could do "sbnd" or "xbnd". The plot_dt and plt_chans give the time resolution and channel number for the plots. This is useful because the intrinsic res will likely be much finer than you'd like for a plot. The tdur parameter sets how much data to read for plotting, you shouldn't really need to change that.


# Search over trial DMs to find max snr
# probably not that useful

dm_opt = False   # run optimization?
dm_lo = 0
dm_hi = 400
dm_step = 20
dm_dir = "dm"

This will be for DM optimization, but is not currently implemented. Don't need to set these.

###   CLEAN UP   ###

# Cleanup (remove dada and vdr files)
cleanup = True

Remove intermediary data products.


FRB burst processing for baseband data






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