A web application that allows self service request of new AD account based on security groups.
How often do you find yourself creating new users, only to be told that the permissions assigned were incorrect? This application aims to solve that by allowing users to see what AD groups people are in, and selecting groups for their new user.
The user puts in the details of the requested account, and searches for similar user. The list of groups they are in are then shown in a table.
When they click Create User, they are returned their username and password (or an error if the account exists), however the account is disabled in Active Directory.
An email is sent to the administrator with the details of the account and the requestor, and a link for authorisation. By clicking the like included in the email, the account becomes enabled.
Modify the config.properties to suit your environment and provide a user and password that has permissions to create the users.
You'll also need to modify the SMTP server and email address settings in EmailNotifier.java as well because they're not in a properties file yet.
This is 100% not production ready.
The fact there is no validation no input fields is probably just the start. This was intended purely as a proof of concept for others to see and implement/modify/reuse.