Creates a series of commits that can display pixel art in a github contributions graph. The resulting art is derived from the art.png file. The file can be edited in your chosen photo editor. You must only use the exact 5 shades included in the default art.png file.
- Python 3
- pypng -
pip install pypng
- git in PATH
Before running the program, be sure to update the "gitemail" setting in config.json to match the address of the owner of the github repo (see below).
Once has been run, a folder called 'project' is created which houses the local git repository and the project file which is repeatedly updated to create new commits.
To display the resulting graph on Github:
Create a new repo on github (preferably with a throwaway account to avoid interfering with your primary account's stats).
cd to the 'project' directory and run
git remote add origin [url to your new github repo]
git push -u origin master