Tags: ryneandal/PowerShell
[7.2.3] - 2022-04-26 * Engine Updates and Fixes - Fix for partial PowerShell module search paths, that can be resolved to CWD locations (Internal 20126) - Do not include node names when sending telemetry. (PowerShell#16981) to v7.2.3 (Internal 20188) * Tests - Re-enable `PowerShellGet` tests targeting PowerShell gallery (PowerShell#17062) - Skip failing scriptblock tests (PowerShell#17093) * Build and Packaging Improvements <details> <summary> <p>Bump .NET SDK to 6.0.202</p> </summary> <ul> <li>Making NameObscurerTelemetryInitializer internal - v7.2.3 (Internal 20239)</li> <li>Updated files.wxs for 7.2.3 (Internal 20211)</li> <li>Updated ThirdPartyNotices for 7.2.3 (Internal 20199)</li> <li>Work around issue with notice generation</li> <li>Replace <code>.</code> in notices container name</li> <li>Updated cgmanifest.json by findMissingNotices.ps1 in v7.2.3 (Internal 20190)</li> <li>v7.2.3 - Updated packages using dotnet-outdated global tool (Internal 20170)</li> <li>Updated to .NET 6.0.4 / SDK 6.0.202 (Internal 20128)</li> <li>Update dotnet-install script download link (Internal 19951)</li> <li>Create checksum file for global tools (PowerShell#17056) (Internal 19935)</li> <li>Make sure global tool packages are published in stable build (Internal 19625)</li> <li>Fix release pipeline (Internal 19617)</li> </ul> </details> [7.2.3]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.2...v7.2.3
[7.1.7] - 2022-04-26 * Engine Updates and Fixes - Fix for partial PowerShell module search paths, that can be resolved to CWD locations - Do not include node names when sending telemetry. (PowerShell#16981) to v7.1.7 (Internal 20187,Internal 20260) * Tests - Re-enable `PowerShellGet` tests targeting PowerShell gallery (PowerShell#17062) - Skip failing scriptblock tests (PowerShell#17093) * Build and Packaging Improvements <details> <summary> <p>Update .NET SDK to 5.0.407</p> </summary> <ul> <li>Fix build failure in `generate checksum file for packages` step - v7.1.7 (Internal 20274)</li> <li>Updated files.wxs for 7.1.7 (Internal 20210)</li> <li>Updated to .NET 5.0.16 / SDK 5.0.407 (Internal 20131)</li> <li>Update Ubuntu images to use Ubuntu 20.04 (PowerShell#15906)</li> <li>Update dotnet-install script download link (Internal 19950)</li> <li>Create checksum file for global tools (PowerShell#17056) (Internal 19928)</li> <li>Make sure global tool packages are published in stable build (Internal 19624)</li> </ul> </details> [7.1.7]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.1.6...v7.1.7
[7.0.10] - 2022-04-26 * Engine Updates and Fixes - Fix for partial PowerShell module search paths, that can be resolved to CWD locations - Do not include node names when sending telemetry. (PowerShell#16981) to v7.0.10 (Internal 20186,Internal 20261) * Tests - Re-enable `PowerShellGet` tests targeting PowerShell gallery (PowerShell#17062) - Skip failing scriptblock tests (PowerShell#17093) * Build and Packaging Improvements <details> <summary> <p>Update .NET SDK to 3.1.418</p> </summary> <ul> <li>Fixed package names verification to support multi-digit versions (Internal 20363)</li> <li>Fix build failure in `generate checksum file for packages` step - v7.0.10 (Internal 20275)</li> <li>Updated files.wxs for 7.0.10 (Internal 20208)</li> <li>Updated to .NET 3.1.24 / SDK 3.1.418 (Internal 20133)</li> <li>Disable broken macOS CI job, which is unused (Internal 20189)</li> <li>Update Ubuntu images to use Ubuntu 20.04 (PowerShell#15906)</li> <li>Update dotnet-install script download link (Internal 19949)</li> <li>Create checksum file for global tools (Internal 19934)</li> <li>Make sure global tool packages are published in stable build (Internal 19623)</li> </ul> </details> [7.0.10]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.0.9...v7.0.10
[7.3.0-preview.3] - 2022-03-21 * Engine Updates and Fixes - Fix the parsing code for .NET method generic arguments (PowerShell#16937) - Allow the `PSGetMemberBinder` to get value of `ByRef` property (PowerShell#16956) - Allow a collection that contains `Automation.Null` elements to be piped to pipeline (PowerShell#16957) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Add the module `CompatPowerShellGet` to the allow-list of telemetry modules (PowerShell#16935) - Fix `Enter-PSHostProcess` and `Get-PSHostProcessInfo` cmdlets by handling processes that have exited (PowerShell#16946) - Improve Hashtable completion in multiple scenarios (PowerShell#16498) (Thanks @MartinGC94!) * Code Cleanup - Fix a typo in `CommandHelpProvider.cs` (PowerShell#16949) (Thanks @eltociear!) * Tests - Update a few tests to make them more stable in CI (PowerShell#16944) - Roll back Windows images used in testing to Windows Server 2019 (PowerShell#16958) * Build and Packaging Improvements <details> <summary> <p>Update .NET SDK to 7.0.0-preview.2</p> </summary> <ul> <li>Update .NET to 7.0.0-preview.2 build (PowerShell#16930)</li> <li>Update <code>AzureFileCopy</code> task and fix the syntax for specifying <code>pool</code> (PowerShell#17013)</li> </ul> </details> [7.3.0-preview.3]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.3.0-preview.2...v7.3.0-preview.3
[7.2.2] - 2022-03-16 * Build and Packaging Improvements <details> <summary> <p>Bump .NET SDK to 6.0.201</p> </summary> <ul> <li>Update WiX file (Internal 19460)</li> <li>Update .NET SDK version to 6.0.201 (Internal 19457)</li> <li>Update experimental feature JSON files (PowerShell#16838)</li> <li>Ensure Alpine and ARM SKUs have <code>powershell.config.json</code> file with experimental features enabled (PowerShell#16823)</li> <li>Update the <code>vmImage</code> and PowerShell root directory for macOS builds (PowerShell#16611)</li> <li>Update macOS build image and root folder for build (PowerShell#16609)</li> <li>Remove WiX install (PowerShell#16834)</li> <li>Opt-in to build security monitoring (PowerShell#16911)</li> <li>Add SBOM manifest for release packages (PowerShell#16641, PowerShell#16711)</li> <li>Add Linux package dependencies for packaging (PowerShell#16807)</li> <li>Switch to our custom images for build and release (PowerShell#16801, PowerShell#16580)</li> <li>Remove all references to <code>cmake</code> for the builds in this repo (PowerShell#16578)</li> <li>Register NuGet source when generating <code>CGManifest</code> (PowerShell#16570)</li> </ul> </details> [7.2.2]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.1...v7.2.2
[7.1.6] - 2022-03-16 * Build and Packaging Improvements <details> <summary> <p>Update .NET SDK to 5.0.406</p> </summary> <ul> <li>Update the mapping file (PowerShell#16316, Internal 19528)</li> <li>Remove code that handles dotnet5 feed (Internal 19525)</li> <li>Fix issues in release build (PowerShell#16332)</li> <li>Enable ARM64 packaging for macOS (PowerShell#15768)</li> <li>Update feed and analyzer dependency (PowerShell#16327)</li> <li>Only upload stable <code>buildinfo</code> for stable releases (PowerShell#16251)</li> <li>Opt-in to build security monitoring (PowerShell#16911)</li> <li>Update experimental feature json files (PowerShell#16838)</li> <li>Ensure alpine and arm SKUs have the PowerShell configuration file with experimental features enabled (PowerShell#16823)</li> <li>Remove WiX install (PowerShell#16834)</li> <li>Add Linux package dependencies for packaging (PowerShell#16807)</li> <li>Switch to our custom images for build and release (PowerShell#16801)</li> <li>Remove all references to <code>cmake</code> for the builds in this repo (PowerShell#16578)</li> <li>Register NuGet source when generating <code>CGManifest</code> (PowerShell#16570)</li> <li>Update images used for release (PowerShell#16580)</li> <li>Add GitHub Workflow to keep notices up to date (PowerShell#16284)</li> <li>Update the <code>vmImage</code> and PowerShell root directory for macOS builds (PowerShell#16611)</li> <li>Add Software Bill of Materials to the main packages (PowerShell#16202, PowerShell#16641, PowerShell#16711)</li> <li>Update macOS build image and root folder for build (PowerShell#16609)</li> <li>Add diagnostics used to take corrective action when releasing <code>buildInfo</code> JSON file (PowerShell#16404)</li> <li>Add checkout to build json stage to get <code>ci.psm1</code> (PowerShell#16399)</li> </ul> </details> [7.1.6]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.1.5...v7.1.6
[7.0.9] - 2022-03-16 * Build and Packaging Improvements <details> <summary> <p>Update .NET SDK to 3.1.417</p> </summary> <ul> <li>Fix the NuGet SDK package creation (Internal 19569)</li> <li>Fix NuGet package compliance issues (PowerShell#13045)</li> <li>Fix issues in release build (PowerShell#16332)</li> <li>Enable ARM64 packaging for macOS (PowerShell#15768)</li> <li>Update feed and analyzer dependency (PowerShell#16327)</li> <li>Only upload stable <code>buildinfo</code> for stable releases (PowerShell#16251)</li> <li>Opt-in to build security monitoring (PowerShell#16911)</li> <li>Update experimental feature json files (PowerShell#16838) (Thanks @!)</li> <li>Ensure alpine and arm SKUs have the PowerShell configuration file with experimental features enabled (PowerShell#16823)</li> <li>Remove WiX install (PowerShell#16834)</li> <li>Add Linux package dependencies for packaging (PowerShell#16807)</li> <li>Switch to our custom images for build and release (PowerShell#16801)</li> <li>Remove all references to <code>cmake</code> for the builds in this repo (PowerShell#16578)</li> <li>Register NuGet source when generating <code>CGManifest</code> (PowerShell#16570)</li> <li>Update Images used for release (PowerShell#16580)</li> <li>Add Software Bill of Materials to the main packages (PowerShell#16202, PowerShell#16641, PowerShell#16711)</li> <li>Add GitHub Workflow to keep notices up to date (PowerShell#16284)</li> <li>Update the <code>vmImage</code> and PowerShell root directory for macOS builds (PowerShell#16611)</li> <li>Update macOS build image and root folder for build (PowerShell#16609)</li> <li>Add checkout to build json stage to get <code>ci.psm1</code> (PowerShell#16399)</li> <li>Move mapping file into product repo and add Debian 11 (PowerShell#16316)</li> </ul> </details> [7.0.9]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.0.8...v7.0.9
** [7.3.0-preview.2] - 2022-02-24 ** Engine Updates and Fixes - Fix the `clean` block for generated proxy function (PowerShell#16827) - Add support to allow invoking method with generic type arguments (PowerShell#12412 and PowerShell#16822) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Report error when PowerShell built-in modules are missing (PowerShell#16628) ** General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Prevent command completion if the word to complete is a single dash (PowerShell#16781) (Thanks @ayousuf23!) - Use `FindFirstFileW` instead of `FindFirstFileExW` to correctly handle Unicode file names on FAT32 (PowerShell#16840) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Add completion for loop labels after Break/Continue (PowerShell#16438) (Thanks @MartinGC94!) - Support OpenSSH options for `PSRP` over SSH commands (PowerShell#12802) (Thanks @BrannenGH!) - Adds a `.ResolvedTarget` Property to `File-System` Items to Reflect a Symlink's Target as `FileSystemInfo` (PowerShell#16490) (Thanks @hammy3502!) - Use `NotifyEndApplication` to re-enable VT mode (PowerShell#16612) - Add new parameter to `Start-Sleep`: `[-Duration] <timespan>` (PowerShell#16185) (Thanks @IISResetMe!) - Add lock and null check to remoting internals (PowerShell#16542) (PowerShell#16683) (Thanks @SergeyZalyadeev!) - Make `Measure-Object` ignore missing properties unless running in strict mode (PowerShell#16589) (Thanks @KiwiThePoodle!) - Add `-StrictMode` to `Invoke-Command` to allow specifying strict mode when invoking command locally (PowerShell#16545) (Thanks @Thomas-Yu!) - Fix `$PSNativeCommandArgPassing` = `Windows` to handle empty args correctly (PowerShell#16639) - Reduce the amount of startup banner text (PowerShell#16516) (Thanks @rkeithhill!) - Add `exec` cmdlet for bash compatibility (PowerShell#16462) - Add AMSI method invocation logging as experimental feature (PowerShell#16496) - Fix web cmdlets so that an empty `Get` does not include a `content-length` header (PowerShell#16587) - Update `HelpInfoUri` for 7.3 release (PowerShell#16646) - Fix parsing `SemanticVersion` build label from version string (PowerShell#16608) - Fix `ForEach-Object -Parallel` when passing in script block variable (PowerShell#16564) ** Code Cleanup <details> <summary> <p>We thank the following contributors!</p> <p>@eltociear, @iSazonov, @xtqqczze</p> </summary> <ul> <li>Fix typo in PowerShellExecutionHelper.cs (PowerShell#16776) (Thanks @eltociear!)</li> <li>Use more efficient platform detection API (PowerShell#16760) (Thanks @iSazonov!)</li> <li>Seal <code>ClientRemotePowerShell</code> (PowerShell#15802) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li> <li>Fix the DSC overview URL in a markdown file and some small cleanup changes (PowerShell#16629)</li> </ul> </details> ** Tools - Fix automation to update experimental JSON files in GitHub action (PowerShell#16837) ** Tests - Update `markdownlint` to the latest version (PowerShell#16825) - Bump the package `path-parse` from `1.0.6` to `1.0.7` (PowerShell#16820) - Remove assert that is incorrect and affecting our tests (PowerShell#16588) ** Build and Packaging Improvements <details> <summary> <p>We thank the following contributors!</p> <p>@dahlia</p> </summary> <ul> <li>Update NuGet Testing to not re-install dotnet, when not needed and dynamically determine the DOTNET_ROOT (Internal 19268, 19269, 19272, 19273, and 19274)</li> <li>Remove SkipExperimentalFeatureGeneration when building alpine (Internal 19248)</li> <li>Revert .NET 7 changes, Update to the latest .NET 6 and Update WXS file due to blocking issue in .NET 7 Preview 1 </li> <li>Install and Find AzCopy</li> <li>Use Start-PSBootStrap for installing .NET during nuget packaging</li> <li>Fix pool syntax for deployments (Internal 19189)</li> <li>Bump NJsonSchema from 10.5.2 to 10.6.9 (PowerShell#16888)</li> <li>Update projects and scripts to use .NET 7 preview 1 pre-release builds (PowerShell#16856)</li> <li>Add warning messages when package precheck fails (PowerShell#16867)</li> <li>Refactor Global Tool packaging to include SBOM generation (PowerShell#16860)</li> <li>Update to use <code>windows-latest</code> as the build agent image (PowerShell#16831)</li> <li>Ensure alpine and arm SKUs have <code>powershell.config.json</code> file with experimental features enabled (PowerShell#16823)</li> <li>Update experimental feature json files (PowerShell#16838) (Thanks @github-actions[bot]!)</li> <li>Remove WiX install (PowerShell#16834)</li> <li>Add experimental json update automation (PowerShell#16833)</li> <li>Update .NET SDK to 6.0.101 and fix <code>Microsoft.PowerShell.GlobalTool.Shim.csproj</code> (PowerShell#16821)</li> <li>Add SBOM manifest to nuget packages (PowerShell#16711)</li> <li>Improve logic for updating .NET in CI (PowerShell#16808)</li> <li>Add Linux package dependencies for packaging (PowerShell#16807)</li> <li>Switch to our custom images for build and release (PowerShell#16801)</li> <li>Remove all references to <code>cmake</code> for the builds in this repo (PowerShell#16578)</li> <li>Fix build for new <code>InvokeCommand</code> attributes (PowerShell#16800)</li> <li>Let macOS installer run without Rosetta on Apple Silicon (PowerShell#16742) (Thanks @dahlia!)</li> <li>Update the expect .NET SDK quality to GA for installing dotnet (PowerShell#16784)</li> <li>Change nuget release yaml to use <code>UseDotNet</code> task (PowerShell#16701)</li> <li>Bump Microsoft.ApplicationInsights from 2.19.0 to 2.20.0 (PowerShell#16642)</li> <li>Register NuGet source when generating <code>CGManifest</code> (PowerShell#16570)</li> <li>Update Images used for release (PowerShell#16580)</li> <li>Update SBOM generation (PowerShell#16641)</li> <li>Bring changes from 7.3.0-preview.1 (PowerShell#16640)</li> <li>Update the <code>vmImage</code> and PowerShell root directory for macOS builds (PowerShell#16611)</li> <li>Update macOS build image and root folder for build (PowerShell#16609)</li> <li>Disabled Yarn cache in markdown.yml (PowerShell#16599)</li> <li>Update cgmanifest (PowerShell#16600)</li> <li>Fix broken links in markdown (PowerShell#16598)</li> </ul> </details> ** Documentation and Help Content - Add newly joined members to their respective Working Groups (PowerShell#16849) - Update Engine Working Group members (PowerShell#16780) - Replace the broken link about pull request (PowerShell#16771) - Update change log to remove a broken URL (PowerShell#16735) - Updated `README.md` and `metadata.json` for `v7.3.0-preview.1` release (PowerShell#16627) - Updating changelog for `7.2.1` (PowerShell#16616) - Updated `README.md` and `metadata.json` for `7.2.1` release (PowerShell#16586)
** [7.3.0-preview.1] - 2021-12-16 *** Breaking Changes - Add `clean` block to script block as a peer to `begin`, `process`, and `end` to allow easy resource cleanup (PowerShell#15177) - Change default for `$PSStyle.OutputRendering` to `Ansi` (Internal 18449) *** Engine Updates and Fixes - Remove duplicate remote server mediator code (PowerShell#16027) - Fix `PSVersion` parameter version checks and error messages for PowerShell 7 remoting (PowerShell#16228) - Use the same temporary home directory when `HOME` env variable is not set (PowerShell#16263) - Fix parser to generate error when array has more than 32 dimensions (PowerShell#16276) *** Performance - Avoid validation for built-in file extension and color VT sequences (PowerShell#16320) (Thanks @iSazonov!) *** General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Update `README.md` and `metadata.json` for next preview release (PowerShell#16107) - Use `PlainText` when writing to a host that doesn't support VT (PowerShell#16092) - Remove support for `AppExeCLinks` to retrieve target (PowerShell#16044) - Move `GetOuputString()` and `GetFormatStyleString()` to `PSHostUserInterface` as public API (PowerShell#16075) - Fix `ConvertTo-SecureString` with key regression due to .NET breaking change (PowerShell#16068) - Fix regression in `Move-Item` to only fallback to `copy and delete` in specific cases (PowerShell#16029) - Set `$?` correctly for command expression with redirections (PowerShell#16046) - Use `CurrentCulture` when handling conversions to `DateTime` in `Add-History` (PowerShell#16005) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Fix link header parsing to handle unquoted `rel` types (PowerShell#15973) (Thanks @StevenLiekens!) - Fix a casting error when using `$PSNativeCommandUsesErrorActionPreference` (PowerShell#15993) - Format-Wide: Fix `NullReferenceException` (PowerShell#15990) (Thanks @DarylGraves!) - Make the native command error handling optionally honor `ErrorActionPreference` (PowerShell#15897) - Remove declaration of experimental features in Utility module manifest as they are stable (PowerShell#16460) - Fix race condition between `DisconnectAsync` and `Dispose` (PowerShell#16536) (Thanks @i3arnon!) - Fix the `Max_PATH` condition check to handle long path correctly (PowerShell#16487) (Thanks @Shriram0908!) - Update `HelpInfoUri` for 7.2 release (PowerShell#16456) - Fix tab completion within the script block specified for the `ValidateScriptAttribute`. (PowerShell#14550) (Thanks @MartinGC94!) - Update `README.md` to specify gathered telemetry (PowerShell#16379) - Fix typo for "privacy" in MSI installer (PowerShell#16407) - Remove unneeded call to `File.ResolveLinkTarget` from `IsWindowsApplication` (PowerShell#16371) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Add `-HttpVersion` parameter to web cmdlets (PowerShell#15853) (Thanks @hayhay27!) - Add support to web cmdlets for open-ended input tags (PowerShell#16193) (Thanks @farmerau!) - Add more tests to `Tee-Object -Encoding` (PowerShell#14539) (Thanks @rpolley!) - Don't throw exception when trying to resolve a possible link path (PowerShell#16310) - Fix `ConvertTo-Json -Depth` to allow 100 at maximum (PowerShell#16197) (Thanks @KevRitchie!) - Fix for SSH remoting when banner is enabled on SSHD endpoint (PowerShell#16205) - Disallow all COM for AppLocker system lock down (PowerShell#16268) - Configure `ApplicationInsights` to not send cloud role name (PowerShell#16246) - Disallow `Add-Type` in NoLanguage mode on a locked down machine (PowerShell#16245) - Specify the executable path as `TargetObect` for non-zero exit code `ErrorRecord` (PowerShell#16108) (Thanks @rkeithhill!) - Don't allow `Move-Item` with FileSystemProvider to move a directory into itself (PowerShell#16198) - Make property names for the color VT sequences consistent with documentations (PowerShell#16212) - Fix `PipelineVariable` to set variable in the right scope (PowerShell#16199) - Invoke-Command: improve handling of variables with $using expression (PowerShell#16113) (Thanks @dwtaber!) - Change `Target` from a `CodeProperty` to be an `AliasProperty` that points to `FileSystemInfo.LinkTarget` (PowerShell#16165) *** Code Cleanup <details> <summary> <p>We thank the following contributors!</p> <p>@xtqqczze, @eltociear, @iSazonov</p> </summary> <ul> <li>Improve <code>CommandInvocationIntrinsics</code> API documentation and style (PowerShell#14369)</li> <li>Use <code>bool?.GetValueOrDefault()</code> in <code>FormatWideCommand</code> (PowerShell#15988) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)</li> <li>Remove 4 assertions which cause debug build test runs to fail (PowerShell#15963)</li> <li>Fix typo in `Job.cs` (PowerShell#16454) (Thanks @eltociear!)</li> <li>Remove unnecessary call to `ToArray` (PowerShell#16307) (Thanks @iSazonov!)</li> <li>Remove the unused `FollowSymLink` function (PowerShell#16231)</li> <li>Fix typo in `TypeTable.cs` (PowerShell#16220) (Thanks @eltociear!)</li> <li>Fixes PowerShell#16176 - replace snippet tag with code tag in comments (PowerShell#16177)</li> </ul> </details> *** Tools - Fix typo in build.psm1 (PowerShell#16038) (Thanks @eltociear!) - Add `.stylecop` to `filetypexml` and format it (PowerShell#16025) - Enable sending Teams notification when workflow fails (PowerShell#15982) - Use `Convert-Path` for unknown drive in `Build.psm1` (PowerShell#16416) (Thanks @matt9ucci!) *** Tests - Add benchmark to test compiler performance (PowerShell#16083) - Enable two previously disabled `Get-Process` tests (PowerShell#15845) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Set clean state before testing `UseMU` in the MSI (PowerShell#16543) - Fix global tool and SDK tests in release pipeline (PowerShell#16342) - Remove the outdated test (PowerShell#16269) - Removed old not-used-anymore docker-based tests for PS release packages (PowerShell#16224) *** Build and Packaging Improvements <details> <summary> <p>We thank the following contributors!</p> <p>@github-actions[bot], @kondratyev-nv</p> </summary> <ul> <li>fix issue with hash file getting created before we have finished get-childitem (PowerShell#16170)</li> <li>Add sha256 hashes to release (PowerShell#16147)</li> <li>Change path for Component Governance for build to the path we actually use to build (PowerShell#16137)</li> <li>Update <code>Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp</code> version (PowerShell#16138)</li> <li>Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers (PowerShell#16070)</li> <li>Update .NET to <code>6.0.100-rc.1.21458.32</code> (PowerShell#16066)</li> <li>Update minimum required OS version for macOS (PowerShell#16088)</li> <li>Set locale correctly on Linux CI (PowerShell#16073)</li> <li>Ensure locale is set correctly on Ubuntu 20.04 in CI (PowerShell#16067)</li> <li>Bump <code>Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers</code> (PowerShell#16045)</li> <li>Update .NET SDK version from `6.0.100-rc.1.21430.44` to `6.0.100-rc.1.21455.2` (PowerShell#16041) (Thanks @github-actions[bot]!)</li> <li>Fix the GitHub Action for updating .NET daily builds (PowerShell#16042)</li> <li>Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp from 4.0.0-3.final to 4.0.0-4.21430.4 (PowerShell#16036)</li> <li>Bump .NET to `6.0.100-rc.1.21430.44` (PowerShell#16028)</li> <li>Move from <code>PkgES</code> hosted agents to 1ES hosted agents (PowerShell#16023)</li> <li>Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers (PowerShell#16021)</li> <li>Update Ubuntu images to use Ubuntu 20.04 (PowerShell#15906)</li> <li>Fix the mac build by updating the pool image name (PowerShell#16010)</li> <li>Use Alpine 3.12 for building PowerShell for alpine (PowerShell#16008)</li> <li>Update .NET SDK version from `6.0.100-preview.6.21355.2` to `6.0.100-rc.1.21426.1` (PowerShell#15648) (Thanks @github-actions[bot]!)</li> <li>Ignore error from <code>Find-Package</code> (PowerShell#15999)</li> <li>Find packages separately for each source in <code>UpdateDotnetRuntime.ps1</code> script (PowerShell#15998)</li> <li>Update metadata to start using .NET 6 RC1 builds (PowerShell#15981)</li> <li>Bump <code>Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers</code> (PowerShell#15985)</li> <li>Merge the v7.2.0-preview.9 release branch back to GitHub master (PowerShell#15983)</li> <li>Publish global tool package for stable releases (PowerShell#15961)</li> <li>Bump <code>Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers</code> to newer version (PowerShell#15962)</li> <li>Disabled Yarn cache in markdown.yml (PowerShell#16599)</li> <li>Update cgmanifest (PowerShell#16600)</li> <li>Fix broken links in markdown (PowerShell#16598)</li> <li>Add explicit job name for approval tasks in Snap stage (PowerShell#16579)</li> <li>Bring back <code>pwsh.exe</code> for framework dependent packages to support Start-Job (PowerShell#16535)</li> <li>Fix NuGet package generation in release build (PowerShell#16509)</li> <li>Add `Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SetStrictModeCommand.ArgumentToPSVersionTransformationAttribute` to list of patterns to remove for generated ref assembly (PowerShell#16489)</li> <li>Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp from `4.0.0-6.final` to `4.0.1` (PowerShell#16423)</li> <li>use different containers for different branches (PowerShell#16434)</li> <li>Add import so we can use common GitHub workflow function. (PowerShell#16433)</li> <li>Remove pre-release .NET 6 build sources (PowerShell#16418)</li> <li>Update release instructions with link to new build (PowerShell#16419)</li> <li>Bump <code>Microsoft.ApplicationInsights</code> from <code>2.18.0</code> to <code>2.19.0</code> (PowerShell#16413)</li> <li>Update <code>metadata.json</code> to make 7.2.0 the latest LTS (PowerShell#16417)</li> <li>Make static CI a matrix (PowerShell#16397)</li> <li>Update <code>metadata.json</code> in preparation on <code>7.3.0-preview.1</code> release (PowerShell#16406)</li> <li>Update cgmanifest (PowerShell#16405)</li> <li>Add diagnostics used to take corrective action when releasing `buildInfoJson` (PowerShell#16404)</li> <li>`vPack` release should use `buildInfoJson` new to 7.2 (PowerShell#16402)</li> <li>Update the usage of metadata.json for getting LTS information (PowerShell#16381)</li> <li>Add checkout to build json stage to get `ci.psm1` (PowerShell#16399)</li> <li>Update CgManifest.json for 6.0.0 .NET packages (PowerShell#16398)</li> <li>Add current folder to the beginning of the module import (PowerShell#16353)</li> <li>Increment RC MSI build number by 100 (PowerShell#16354)</li> <li>Bump <code>XunitXml.TestLogger</code> from 3.0.66 to 3.0.70 (PowerShell#16356)</li> <li>Move PR Quantifier config to subfolder (PowerShell#16352)</li> <li>Release build info json when it is preview (PowerShell#16335)</li> <li>Add an approval for releasing build-info json (PowerShell#16351)</li> <li>Generate manifest with latest public version of the packages (PowerShell#16337)</li> <li>Update to the latest notices file (PowerShell#16339) (Thanks @github-actions[bot]!)</li> <li>Use notice task to generate license assuming cgmanifest contains all components (PowerShell#16340)</li> <li>Refactor cgmanifest generator to include all components (PowerShell#16326)</li> <li>Fix issues in release build (PowerShell#16332)</li> <li>Update feed and analyzer dependency (PowerShell#16327)</li> <li>Bump <code>Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk</code> from 16.11.0 to 17.0.0 (PowerShell#16312)</li> <li>Update license and cgmanifest (PowerShell#16325) (Thanks @github-actions[bot]!)</li> <li>Fix condition in cgmanifest logic (PowerShell#16324)</li> <li>Add GitHub Workflow to keep notices up to date (PowerShell#16284)</li> <li>Update to latest .NET 6 GA build <code> 6.0.100-rtm.21527.11</code> (PowerShell#16309)</li> <li>Create compliance build (PowerShell#16286)</li> <li>Move mapping file into product repo and add Debian 11 (PowerShell#16316)</li> <li>Add a major-minor build info JSON file (PowerShell#16301)</li> <li>Clean up <code>crossgen</code> related build scripts also generate native symbols for <code>R2R</code> images (PowerShell#16297)</li> <li>Fix Windows build ZIP packaging (PowerShell#16299) (Thanks @kondratyev-nv!)</li> <li>Revert "Update to use .NET 6 GA build (PowerShell#16296)" (PowerShell#16308)</li> <li>Add <code>wget</code> as a dependency for Bootstrap script (PowerShell#16303) (Thanks @kondratyev-nv!)</li> <li>Fix issues reported by code signing verification tool (PowerShell#16291)</li> <li>Update to use .NET 6 GA build (PowerShell#16296)</li> <li>Revert "add GH workflow to keep the cgmanifest up to date." (PowerShell#16294)</li> <li>Update ChangeLog for 7.2.0-rc.1 and also fix RPM packaging (PowerShell#16290)</li> <li>Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers (PowerShell#16271)</li> <li>add GH workflow to keep the cgmanifest up to date.</li> <li>Update <code>ThirdPartyNotices.txt</code> (PowerShell#16283)</li> <li>Update `testartifacts.yml` to use <code>ubuntu-latest</code> image (PowerShell#16279)</li> <li>Update version of <code>Microsoft.PowerShell.Native</code> and <code>Microsoft.PowerShell.MarkdownRender</code> packages (PowerShell#16277)</li> <li>Add script to generate <code>cgmanifest.json</code> (PowerShell#16278)</li> <li>Add <code>cgmanifest.json</code> for generating correct third party notice file (PowerShell#16266)</li> <li>Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers from `6.0.0-rtm.21504.2` to `6.0.0-rtm.21516.1` (PowerShell#16264)</li> <li>Only upload stable <code>buildinfo</code> for stable releases (PowerShell#16251)</li> <li>Make RPM license recognized (PowerShell#16189)</li> <li>Don't upload dep or tar.gz for RPM because there are none. (PowerShell#16230)</li> <li>Add condition to generate release files in local dev build only (PowerShell#16259)</li> <li>Update .NET 6 to version 6.0.100-rc.2.21505.57 (PowerShell#16249)</li> <li>change order of try-catch-finally and split out arm runs (PowerShell#16252)</li> <li>Ensure <code>psoptions.json</code> and <code>manifest.spdx.json</code> files always exist in packages (PowerShell#16258)</li> <li>Update to vPack task version to 12 (PowerShell#16250)</li> <li>Remove unneeded `NuGetConfigFile` resource string (PowerShell#16232)</li> <li>Add Software Bill of Materials to the main packages (PowerShell#16202)</li> <li>Sign third party exes (PowerShell#16229)</li> <li>Upgrade <code>set-value</code> package for markdown test (PowerShell#16196)</li> <li>Use Ubuntu 20.04 for SSH remoting test (PowerShell#16225)</li> <li>Bump Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers (PowerShell#16194)</li> <li>Bump `Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers` from `6.0.0-rc2.21458.5` to `6.0.0-rtm.21480.8` (PowerShell#16183)</li> <li>Move vPack build to 1ES Pool (PowerShell#16169)</li> <li>Fix Microsoft update spelling issue. (PowerShell#16178)</li> </ul> </details> *** Documentation and Help Content - Update Windows PowerShell issues link (PowerShell#16105) (Thanks @andschwa!) - Remove Joey from Committee and WG membership (PowerShell#16119) - Update more docs for `net6.0` TFM (PowerShell#16102) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Change `snippet` tag to `code` tag in XML comments (PowerShell#16106) - Update build documentation to reflect .NET 6 (PowerShell#15751) (Thanks @Kellen-Stuart!) - Update `README.md` about the change logs (PowerShell#16471) (Thanks @powershellpr0mpt!) - Update change log for 7.2.0 (PowerShell#16401) - Update `metadata.json` and `README.md` for 7.2.0 release (PowerShell#16395) - Update `README.md` and `metadata.json` files for `v7.2.0-rc.1` release (PowerShell#16285) - Update the change logs for `v7.0.8` and `v7.1.5` releases (PowerShell#16248) [7.3.0-preview.1]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.0-preview.10...v7.3.0-preview.1
[7.2.1] - 2021-12-14 * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Remove declaration of experimental features in Utility module manifest as they are stable (PowerShell#16460) - Bring back pwsh.exe for framework dependent packages to support Start-Job (PowerShell#16535) - Change default for `$PSStyle.OutputRendering` to `Ansi` (Internal 18394) - Update `HelpInfoUri` for 7.2 release (PowerShell#16456) - Fix typo for "privacy" in MSI installer (PowerShell#16407) * Tests - Set clean state before testing `UseMU` in the MSI (PowerShell#16543) * Build and Packaging Improvements <details> <ul> <li>Add explicit job name for approval tasks in Snap stage (PowerShell#16579)</li> <li>Fixing the build by removing duplicate TSAUpload entries (Internal 18399)</li> <li>Port CGManifest fixes (Internal 18402)</li> <li>Update CGManifest (Internal 18403)</li> <li>Updated package dependencies for 7.2.1 (Internal 18388)</li> <li>Use different containers for different branches (PowerShell#16434)</li> <li>Use notice task to generate license assuming CGManifest contains all components (PowerShell#16340)</li> <li>Create compliance build (PowerShell#16286)</li> <li>Update release instructions with link to new build (PowerShell#16419)</li> <li>Add diagnostics used to take corrective action when releasing buildInfoJson (PowerShell#16404)</li> <li>vPack release should use buildInfoJson new to 7.2 (PowerShell#16402)</li> <li>Add checkout to build json stage to get <code>ci.psm1</code> (PowerShell#16399)</li> <li>Update the usage of metadata.json for getting LTS information (PowerShell#16381)</li> <li>Move mapping file into product repo and add Debian 11 (PowerShell#16316)</li> </ul> </details> [7.2.1]: PowerShell/PowerShell@v7.2.0...v7.2.1