This is a repository of muMQ: A lightweight and scalable MQTT broker. muMQ source code is distributed under Apache License Version 2.0.
is required for multi-threadingmTCP
is not included in this repository. Please download from mTCP page
- broker: muMQ source code and configuration files
- broker/config: Place for arp.conf and route.conf
- tools: MQTT testing tool source code
- libmosquitto (MQTT client library) is required. (e.g., libmosquitto-dev)
muMQ can be built to run on two kinds of the TCP/IP stack.
- Linux kernel TCP/IP stack:
Run make under
# cd broker/
# make
- mTCP with DPDK:
Downlowd mTCP project under
Build mTCP library by following INSTALL GUIDES of DPDK version on of mTCP
Make sure mTCP works by running mTCP example apps
Run make with mtcp argument under
# cd broker/
# make mtcp
Modify arp.conf and route.conf under
according to your environment and copy them tobroker/config/
# cp mtcp/config/sample_arp.conf broker/config/arp.conf
# cp mtcp/config/sample_route.conf broker/config/route.conf
Modify mtcp.conf and copy to
# cp mtcp/config/sample_mtcp.conf broker/broker.conf
Simple run a executable file with port number
# ./broker 1883
Note CPU scalability can be configured in
#define LOOP_COUNT 16
- Wiriyang Pipatsakulroj (Mahidol University, Thailand)
- Apache License Version 2.0
- Wiriyang Pipatsakulroj, Vasaka Visoottiviseth, Ryousei Takano, "muMQ: A Lightweight and Scalable MQTT Broker", The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), June 2017
- Cyber Phsical Cloud Research Group, AIST
This work was partially done during an internship at AIST, Japan.