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Yatzi (JavaFX)

Build Status


Setup Server Setup Client Board Actions

Getting Started

Read the JavaDoc at:

Setup Environment

  • Install Gradle 5.3.1+
  • Install JDK 11.0.2
  • Download JavaFX 11

Setup JavaFX with gradle

Setup Lombok

  1. Settings->Compiler->Annotation Processors [enable]
  2. Install lombok plugin from marketplace to your idea. (restart)


If you get this Error Message in IntelliJ...

Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application

You have to set some VM Options

--module-path /path/to/your/javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib --add-modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml

User Interface

Application Architecture



Main Controller

MainController is used to build, load and display a view. He is also used to initialize the board logic.

ScreenType is an enum with all available Screens. Each ScreenType has to be implemented in the loadScreen method of the MainController

Screen Types

Type Description
BOARD The board view is the main view used for the yatzi game.
SETUP The setup view is used to initialize the game mode. The User can join or create a server.
STATUS The status bar will be added on each view and can be access from each controller.

The YatziApplication, an instance of javafx.application.Application creates a global ch.juventus.yatzi.ui.models.FXContext which holds the main stage and the game instance of the application. The context will be accessed over the ViewContext interface. The context instance will be shared with the MainController. This is necessary to adapt the window-size and other global attributes. Each ScreenController holds also an instance of the ViewContext. This means every component has access to global ViewContext and its child values.

Screen Helper

The ScreenHelper class can be loaded by a javaFX class and have access to the main stage.

Screen Helper

Image Handling


Get a Java Image from Resources

If you want to load an image from resource folder inside a ScreenController, use following methods.

// @param classloader The classloader of the context to access ressources
// @param subPath The sub-path in the base image folder eg. "icons/"
// @param key filename (lowercase)
// @param fileExt file ending eg. "png"
// @return A String with the relative image path
screenHelper.getImage(classloader, subpath, imageKey, fileExt)

Image image1 = screenHelper.getImage(this.context.getClassloader(), "background/", "board_background", "jpg");

// render a image view based on this image:
ImageView imageView1 = screenHelper.renderImageView(context.getClassloader(), "icons/", "server", "png")
ImageView imageView1 = screenHelper.renderImageView(context.getClassloader(), "icons/", "server", "png", 200, 200)

Naming Conventions

* all characters should be written in lowercase
* LOGGER.debug("application started in {}ms", elapsedTime);

// the whole comment should be written in lowercase

 * Describes the funcionality of the method.
 * @param param1 Each Text should start with a Uppercase Character
 * @param param2 Each Parameter has to be described
 * @return Describes the Return Value
 public String testMethod(String param1, String param2) {
    return new String("test-string");


The Yatzi Game is a full instance of a game. This Object can be used on multiple clients. The communication between message handlers, allows the developer to to make async calls.



The Board represents the play ground of this game. The board knows all users and the state of the game.


Networking (

By definition, a socket is one endpoint of a two-way communication link between two programs running on different computers on a network. A socket is bound to a port number so that the transport layer can identify the application that data is destined to be sent to.




|                                                   |
|   Player 1 (Host)                                 |
|                                                   |
|           +-----------------+                     |
|   +-----> | Message Handler | <-------------+     |
|   |       +-----------------+               |     |
|   |                                         |     |
|   |                 +------------+      +---+--+  |
|   |   +-----------> |   Client   +----> | CT 1 |  |
|   |   |             +------------+      +------+  |
|  ++---+---+                                X      |          +-------------------------------------------+
|  |  Game  |                               TCP     |          |                                           |
|  ++---+---+                                X      |          |  Player 2                                 |
|   |   |             +------------+      +------+  |          |                                           |
|   |   +-----------> |   Server   +----> | CH 1 |  |          |                   +-----------------+     |
|   |                 +------------+      +--+----  |          |       +---------> | Message Handler |     |
|   |                                        |      |          |       |           +---------------+-+     |
|   |                +-----------------------+      |          |       |                           ^       |
|   |                |                              |          |       |                           |       |
|   |                |                    +------+  |          |   +---+--+     +--------+       +-+----+  |
|   |                |  +-----------------+ CH 2 |XX|XXXX_TCP_X|XXX| CT 1 | <---+ Client | <-----+ Game |  |
|   |                |  |                 +------+  |          |   +------+     +--------+       +------+  |
|   |                |  |                           |          |                                           |
|   |                |  |                           |          +-------------------------------------------+
|   |                |  |                           |
|   |                v  v                           |          +-------------------------------------------+
|   |                                               |          |                                           |
|   |        +-----------------+          +------+  |          |  +------+     +--------+       +------+   |
|   +------> | Message Handler | <--------+ CH n |XX|XXX_TCP_XX|XX| CT 1 | <---+ Client | <-----+ Game |   |
|            +-----------------+          +------+  |          |  +---+--+     +--------+       +-+----+   |
|                                                   |          |      |                           |        |
+---------------------------------------------------+          |      |                           v        |
                                                               |      |           +---------------+-+      |
                                                               |      +---------> | Message Handler |      |
                                                               |                  +-----------------+      |
                                                               |                                           |
                                                               |                                           |
                                                               |  Player n                                 |
 CT = Client Task                                              |                                           |
 CH = Client Handler                                           +-------------------------------------------+



The Server holds all client handlers, and handles all messages bundled to one message handler.


Each new client will effect in a new client handler thread.

Server Communication


The Client connects to a server socket and will be a member or player of the game.


The client crates a new task to handle the server <-> client connection.


Data Transfer

Attribute Type Description
Sender UUID UUID of the sender user / client. The server does not need to provide the Sender ID.
Function String Defines the reason for this network transfer.
Body String The needed Model translated to a JSON String
Sent Time Date Time when the transfer object was sent to the network.

Transfer Functions

Command Description Body
PLAYER_NEW A new player will join the the game. User
MAX_PLAYERS_REACHED The maximum of clients is reached. -
WAIT_FOR_GAME_READY The server is waiting for new players to join. -
GAME_READY The server has started the game. -
CLIENT_READY The client is ready to start a new game. -
DICE_CHANGED The dice set has been changed. Dice[]
ROUND_START Starts a new round of the game. YatziGame
GAME_CHANGED The game has been changed. (includes the currently active user) YatziGame
PLAYER_EXIT A player leaves the game early. User Id
GAME_END The game is finished. The user can exit the game or start a new party. -

Transfer Body

The transfer body can hold every content as String. We use Json to transfer the body. A sample of our game_changed event.


Communication Flow

Each client opens a new connection to the server. The server tries to keep alive these connections. This is needed to prevent latency during game play due of connection establishing.

java socket flow

Client Handling

This Yatzi Game (Host) is able to manage multiple Clients (max 7). To make this possible, the Server creates for each incoming Client a new Client Handler Thread. java socket flow



use the file in src/main/resources/config to configure the game parameters.

Each configuration property needs a method in the Config Interface in src/main/java/ch/juventus/yatzi/config

 * Timeout in seconds the client should wait until the timeout exceeded
 * @return The client timeout as counter
int clientTimeout();

Generate JavaDoc

This project has its own javadoc theme. Use this theme for the docs assets. Add these java vm options to your start command.

-encoding UTF-8 -docencoding utf-8 -charset utf-8 -stylesheetfile /path/to/your/yatzi/javadoc-style.css

Build & Ship Info


Unit Testing

The Junit5 tests can be executed by ./gradlew clean test

Static Code testing with SonarQube

$ docker-compose up
$ ./gradlew sonarqube \ \



  • yatzi-blue: #113f89
  • yatzi-gray: #dbdbdb


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