This is the terraform module for setup the eks cluster.
- The statefile will store in the S3 bucket for maintain the state of the cluster setup (note: create a bucket by manually before you give it here)
- Open the file
- Give the bucket name in the "bucket" param under the backend setting which is you created before on the first setup.
- Give the region of the bucket in the "region" param under the backend setting.
- And also, give the aws "access" and "secret" keys and "region" on the provider block.
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 4.0"
backend "s3" {
bucket = "" # give the bucket name
key = "eks-setup/terraform.tfstate"
region = "" # give the bucket region
encrypt = true
# Configure the AWS Provider
provider "aws" {
region = ""
access_key = ""
secret_key = ""
- Open the file.
- Give the vpc name.
- Update the subnet details also.
- Give the Cluster name
module "vpc" {
source = "./modules/vpc"
cluster-name = ""
vpc-name = ""
vpc-cidr = ""
public-subnets-data = [{ name = "public-subnet1", ipsec = "", az = "us-east-1a" }, { name = "public-subnet2", ipsec = "", az = "us-east-1b" }, { name = "public-subnet3", ipsec = "", az = "us-east-1c" }]
- Open the file.
- Give the cluster name.(note: give the same name what you gave on the VPC module)
module "eks" {
extra_depends_on = [module.vpc]
source = "./modules/eks"
cluster-name = ""
subnets-id = module.vpc.public-subnet-id
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply