wget-improved simplifies retrieving files from any URL
Improvements over wuchengwei/node-wget
- Handles 3xx redirects (including infinite redirect loops)
- Passes URL parameters
- Better error reporting
- Does not write using append (uses w+ identical to wget)
- Handles gzip compression, allow you to automatically gunzip the stream
npm install wget-improved --save
const wget = require('wget-improved');
const src = 'http://nodejs.org/images/logo.svg';
const output = '/tmp/logo.svg';
const options = {
// see options below
let download = wget.download(src, output, options);
download.on('error', function(err) {
download.on('start', function(fileSize) {
download.on('end', function(output) {
download.on('progress', function(progress) {
typeof progress === 'number'
// code to show progress bar
const wget = require('wget');
const options = {
protocol: 'https',
host: 'raw.github.com',
path: '/Fyrd/caniuse/master/data.json',
proxy: 'http://host:port',
method: 'GET'
let req = wget.request(options, function(res) {
let content = '';
if (res.statusCode === 200) {
res.on('error', function(err) {
res.on('data', function(chunk) {
content += chunk;
res.on('end', function() {
} else {
console.log('Server respond ' + res.statusCode);
req.on('error', function(err) {
options = {}
// Set to true to have any gzip stream automatically decompressed before saving
options.gunzip = false;
options.proxy = {};
options.proxy.protocol = 'http';
options.proxy.host = 'someproxy.org';
options.proxy.port = 1337;
options.proxy.proxyAuth = '{basic auth}';
options.proxy.headers = {'User-Agent': 'Node'};
# If installed globally
nwget https://raw.github.com/Fyrd/caniuse/master/data.json -O /tmp/data.json
# If not installed globally
./node_modules/.bin/nwget https://raw.github.com/Fyrd/caniuse/master/data.json -O /tmp/data.json
Progress is now returned as a Number instead of a String
On start filesize can return null when the remote server does not provided content-lenth
Exception for not specifying protocol is now: Your URL must use either HTTP or HTTPS.
Supports handling redirects that return a relative URL.
You can now get events for the total number of bytes downloaded download.on('bytes', function(bytes) {}...)
Request headers can be specified by passing an object to options.headers.
Unit tests have been added for most download functionality and error cases. Tests are a requirement for all PRs going forward!