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Tags: saakai-dev/chromephp



Toggle 4.1.0's commit message
Add support for console.table


Toggle 4.0.0's commit message
Update ChromePhp to version 4.0.0

- Update to use new X-ChromeLogger-Data header
- Remove limit to number of log statements
    you can now call ChromePhp::log('foo', 'bar', 123, 'etc.')
- Do away with labels since they can just be statements
- Get rid of backtraces for groupStart, groupEnd, and groupCollapsed

Note that this update has a backwards incompatible change.
You can no longer use the third argument of the log function to
specify the log type like
ChromePhp::log('label', 'value', ChromePhp::WARN)


Toggle 3.0's commit message
Rename class name variable so it floats to the beginning of the conso…

…le output when needed


Toggle 2.2.1's commit message
adding group support for logging


Toggle 2.2's commit message
forgot to upgrade the version