This repository contains resources for the Advanced Machine Learning on Google Cloud Specialization, a MOOC that provides a comprehensive guide to developing and deploying advanced machine learning solutions using Google Cloud. It includes course subtitles and solutions to the lab exercises for all courses in the specialization.
This specialization covers key aspects of building production-ready machine learning systems, computer vision, natural language processing, and recommendation systems on Google Cloud. It is designed for professionals and learners who want to advance their knowledge in machine learning and Google Cloud.
- Learn how to design and implement production-grade machine learning pipelines.
- Understand MLOps and the lifecycle of machine learning systems.
- Gain hands-on experience deploying ML models on Google Cloud.
- Dive into the basics of computer vision and its applications.
- Learn to use pre-trained models and custom models for image classification and object detection.
- Utilize Google Cloud services like AutoML Vision and TensorFlow for computer vision tasks.
- Explore the fundamentals of natural language processing (NLP).
- Implement text classification, sentiment analysis, and entity recognition using Google Cloud’s NLP tools.
- Build and deploy NLP pipelines leveraging AutoML Natural Language and BERT models.
- Understand the principles of recommendation systems and collaborative filtering.
- Build scalable recommendation engines using TensorFlow and BigQuery ML.
- Deploy recommendation models on Google Cloud.
- Transcripts
- Lab solutions
This repository is intended for educational purposes only. The contents of this repository, including subtitles, are not my own. The solutions to the labs are provided for reference and are not endorsed by the course instructors or Google Cloud. Please adhere to the course’s honor code and guidelines when using these resources.