A Deep Learning model to classify pneumonia in X-Ray images.
The Dataset is publicly available from Kaggle and can be downloaded from here.
Import the environment using the requirements.yaml
file using the Anaconda Navigator GUI or you can enter these commands in your shell:
$ conda env create -f requirements.yaml
│ ├───checkpoints/
│ │ ├───alexnet/
│ │ ├───cnn/
│ │ ├───mlp/
│ │ └───resnext/
│ ├───figs/
│ ├───logs/
│ │ ├───alexnet/
│ │ │ └───eval_logs/
│ │ ├───cnn/
│ │ │ └───eval_logs/
│ │ ├───mlp/
│ │ │ └───eval_logs/
│ │ └───resnext/
│ │ └───eval_logs/
│ ├───models/
│ └───utils/
│ ├───NORMAL/
│ ├───NORMAL/
- After activating the python environment, start a jupyter notebook and open