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sabrysm authored Aug 4, 2022
1 parent 2625ffa commit c094990
Showing 1 changed file with 233 additions and 0 deletions.
233 changes: 233 additions & 0 deletions src/aiosqlitedict/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
import aiosqlite
from ast import literal_eval

class Connect:
Instantiate a conversion to and from sqlite3 database and python dictionary.

def __init__(self, database_name: str, table_name: str, id_column: str):
self.database_name = database_name
self.table_name = table_name
self.id_column = id_column

async def to_dict(self, my_id, *column_names: str):
Convert a sqlite3 table into a python dictionary.
:param my_id: The id of the row.
:type my_id: int
:param column_names: The column name.
:type column_names: str
:return: The dictionary.
:rtype: dict
async with aiosqlite.connect(self.database_name) as db:
async with db.cursor() as cursor:

table_name = self.table_name.replace("'", "").replace('"', "")
data = {}
columns = str(column_names).replace("(", "").replace(
")", "").replace('"', "").replace("'", "")
columns = columns.replace(
columns[-1], "") if columns.endswith(",") else columns

if columns == "*":
getID = await cursor.execute(
f"SELECT {columns} FROM {table_name} WHERE {self.id_column} = ?", (my_id,))
fieldnames = [f[0] for f in getID.description]
values = await getID.fetchone()
values = list(values)
for v in range(len(values)):
if str(values[v]).startswith("[") or str(values[v]).startswith("{") or str(values[v]).startswith("("):
values[v] = literal_eval(values[v])
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(e)
for i in range(len(fieldnames)):
data[fieldnames[i]] = values[i]
return data
getID = await cursor.execute(
f"SELECT {columns} FROM {table_name} WHERE {self.id_column} = ?", (my_id, ))
values = await getID.fetchone()
values = list(values)
for v in range(len(values)):
if str(values[v]).startswith("[") or str(values[v]).startswith("{") or str(values[v]).startswith("("):
values[v] = literal_eval(values[v])
except Exception as e:
raise Exception(e)
for i in range(len(column_names)):
data[column_names[i]] = values[i]
return data

# To push data to db

async def to_sql(self, my_id, dictionary: dict):
Convert a python dictionary into a sqlite3 table.
:param my_id: The id of the row.
:type my_id: int
:param dictionary: The dictionary object.
:type dictionary: dict
:return: The SQLite3 Table.
:rtype: sqlite
async with aiosqlite.connect(self.database_name) as db:
async with db.cursor() as cursor:
table_name = self.table_name
getUser = await cursor.execute(f"SELECT {self.id_column} FROM {table_name} WHERE {self.id_column} = ?", (my_id, ))
isUserExists = await getUser.fetchone()
if isUserExists:
for key, val in dictionary.items():
if str(val).startswith("[") or str(val).startswith("{") or str(val).startswith("("):
val = str(val)
await cursor.execute(f"UPDATE {table_name} SET {key} = ? WHERE {self.id_column} = ?", (val, my_id,))
await cursor.execute(f"INSERT INTO {table_name} ({self.id_column}) VALUES ( ? )", (my_id, ))
for key, val in dictionary.items():
if str(val).startswith("[") or str(val).startswith("{") or str(val).startswith("("):
val = str(val)
await cursor.execute(f"UPDATE {table_name} SET {key} = ? WHERE {self.id_column} = ?", (val, my_id,))

await db.commit()

async def select(self, column_name: str, limit: int = None, order_by: str = None, ascending: bool = True
, equal=None, like: str = None, between: tuple = None, distinct: bool = False, offset: int = None):
Select a column from the table.
:param column_name: The column name.
:type column_name: str
:param limit:
:rtype: int
:param order_by:
:rtype: str
:param ascending:
:rtype: bool
:param equal:
:param like:
:rtype: str
:param distinct:
:rtype: bool
:param between:
:rtype: tuple
:param offset:
:rtype: int
:return: The list.
:rtype: list
async with aiosqlite.connect(self.database_name) as db:
async with db.cursor() as cursor:

query = f"SELECT {column_name} FROM {self.table_name}"
parameters = []
condition = False
if distinct is True:
query = f"SELECT DISTINCT {column_name} FROM {self.table_name}"
if equal is not None and condition is False:
condition = True
query += f" WHERE {column_name} = ?"
elif equal is not None and condition is True:
query += f" AND {column_name} = ?"
if like is not None and condition is False:
condition = True
query += f" WHERE {column_name} LIKE ?"
elif like is not None and condition is True:
query += f" AND {column_name} LIKE ?"
if between is not None and condition is False:
condition = True
query += f" WHERE {column_name} BETWEEN ? AND ?"
parameters.append(range(between[0], between[1]).start)
parameters.append(range(between[0], between[1]).stop)

elif between is not None and condition is True:
query += f" AND {column_name} BETWEEN ? AND ?"
parameters.append(range(between[0], between[1]).start)
parameters.append(range(between[0], between[1]).stop)
if order_by is not None:
query += f" ORDER BY {order_by}"
if ascending is False:
query += f" DESC"
query += f""
if limit is not None:
query += f" LIMIT ?"
if offset is not None and limit is not None:
query += f" OFFSET ?"
elif offset is not None and limit is None:
raise Exception("You can't use kwarg 'offset' without kwarg 'limit'")
parameters = str(tuple(parameters))
parameters = eval(parameters)
# print(f"query ==> await cursor.execute(\"{query}\", {parameters})")
# print(parameters)
getValues = await cursor.execute(query, parameters)
values = await getValues.fetchall()
my_list = []

def isfloat(num):
return True
except ValueError:
return False

for i in values:
i = str(i)
i = i[1:-2] # Remove round brackets in i
# Check the type of i
if i.isnumeric():
elif isfloat(i):
elif i == 'None' or i is None:
elif i.startswith("'[") or i.startswith("'{") or i.startswith("'("):
i = eval(i)
elif i.isascii():
i = i[1:-1]

return my_list

async def delete(self, row_id):
deletes a certain row from the table.
:param row_id: The id of the row.
:type row_id: int
async with aiosqlite.connect(self.database_name) as db:
async with db.cursor() as cursor:
await cursor.execute(
f"DELETE FROM {self.table_name} WHERE {self.id_column} = ?", (row_id, ))
await db.commit()

async def execute(self, query):
Execute SQL query.
async with aiosqlite.connect(self.database_name) as db:
async with db.cursor() as cursor:
cur = await cursor.execute(query)
res = await cur.fetchall()
await db.commit()
return res

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