This package contains the current version of FluentAssertions 5.10.3 ready to use with Unity.
If you encouter any bugs, which are related to the package and not to FluentAssertions itself, feel free to open an issue.
For more information about FluentAssertions itself, please head over to
- Unity 2018.3 or newer
- .NET Standard 2.0 scripting backend
The package is available on the openupm registry. It's recommended to install it via openupm-cli.
openupm add com.boundfoxstudios.fluentassertions
Window -> Package Manager -> + sign -> Add via git url:
Then, reference FluentAssertions in your test's assembly definition and you are good to go!
When importing the package into Unity < 2019, do not import the examples folder, since it uses the new Unity Test Framework package. However, FluentAssertions itself is working.
If you get the following error:
The type or namespace name 'DynamicMethod' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
orThe type or namespace name 'ILGenerator' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
then you need to define the following scripting symbol (Edit -> Project Settings -> Player -> Other Settings -> Scripting Define Symbols): NETSTANDARD2_0
Wait for Unity to recompile, the error should be gone then.
If not, please open an issue.
All credits go to FluentAssertions for creating an excellent library to make Unit Testing more readable and maintainable.