Naive_Bayes_Classifier Public
A text based Naive Bayes Classifier for classification of hotel reviews into truthful/deceptive and positive/negative
Treadstone Public
2016 ByteCup Machine Learning Challenge - Toutiao Domain Matching Problem
Python UpdatedNov 16, 2016 -
Gaussian-Naive-Bayes-and-KNN Public
Matlab implementation of Gaussian Naive Bayes and KNN classification algorithm
This is the code for inference in Bayesian Networks using Enumeration.It also includes Expected utility and maximum expected utility.
SagarTextEditor-Source-Code Public
This is the source code of the SagarTextEditor Application created using Eclipse RCP
CSS UpdatedJan 13, 2016 -
SagarTextEditor Public
This is an experimental Text Editor created using Eclipse RPC. Simply open the SagarTextEditor.exe file and get started
HTML UpdatedJan 13, 2016 -
SagarTextEditor-Eclipse-RPC Public
This is an experimental Text Editor created using Eclipse RPC.
HTML UpdatedJan 13, 2016 -
DigitRecognition Public
• The project was a part of Machine Learning Programming Assignment on Coursera. • The main aim was to classify hand-written digits using supervised learning on a data corpus of 4000 samples each c…
MATLAB UpdatedAug 24, 2014