webpack-Loader to render a mithril component to html
install npm install mithril-render-loader --save-dev
requirements node v6+
option | type | default | description |
model | Mixed | {} | required data for component. Pass as vnode.attrs |
export | Boolean | false | export using module.exports or return a string (html-loader) |
cacheable | Boolean | true | deactivate cache, forcing a complete rebuild each time |
profile | Boolean | false | log render times to console |
escapeAttributes | Function | Boolean | false |
escapeString | Function | Boolean | false |
strict | Boolean | false | Render the html as xml/xhtml |
The index.view.js
const m = require("mithril");
const View = {
view(vnode) {
const data = vnode.attrs.model;
return m("Hello User");
The webpack-config might look something along theese lines:
entry: "./test/app/index.view.js",
resolve: {
modules: [".", "node_modules"]
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "build")
module: {
rules: [
test: [
path.join(__dirname, "test", "app", "index.view.js")
use: [
loader: "file-loader",
options: {
name: "index.html"
loader: "extract-loader"
loader: "html-loader",
options: {
minimize: false, // deactivate minimize. It destroys valid inline css syntax
interpolate: false,
minifyCSS: false, // bugged
root: __dirname
loader: "mithril-render-loader",
options: {
model: {
title: "mithril-render-loader testpage",
items: [
"compiles mithril component to html",
"watches file changes"
If the html-loader is omitted and mithril-render-loader should export a string, add the option export: true