AnsiWeather is a Shell script for displaying the current weather conditions in your terminal, with support for ANSI colors and Unicode symbols.
Weather data comes from the OpenWeatherMap
free weather API.
AnsiWeather requires the following dependencies:
- A command to fetch HTTP data such as FTP, cURL or wget
- jq (lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor)
- bc (arbitrary precision numeric processing language), for doing float arithmetic
After cloning the repository, simply invoke the script by typing:
AnsiWeather packages are available for:
pkg_add ansiweather
pkgin install ansiweather
pkg install ansiweather
apt-get install ansiweather
brew install ansiweather
ansiweather [-F] [-l location] [-u system] [-f days] [-a value]
[-s value] [-k key] [-i value] [-w value] [-h value]
[-p value] [-d value] [-v value]
-l location
Specify location
-u system
Specify unit system to use ( metric or imperial )
-f days
Toggle forecast mode for the specified number of upcoming days
-F Toggle forecast mode for the next five days
-a value
Toggle ANSI colors display ( true or false )
-s value
Toggle symbols display ( true or false )
-k key Specify API key
-i value
Toggle UV Index display ( true or false )
-w value
Toggle wind data display ( true or false )
-h value
Toggle humidity data display ( true or false )
-p value
Toggle pressure data display ( true or false )
-d value
Toggle daylight data display ( true or false )
Display forecast using metric units for the next five days (showing symbols and daylight data) for Rzeszow, Poland:
ansiweather -l Rzeszow,PL -u metric -s true -f 5 -d true
The default config file is ~/.ansiweatherrc. The environment variable ANSIWEATHERRC can be set to override this. The following configuration options (detailed below) are available and should be set according to your location and preferences.
Example: ~/.ansiweatherrc
fetch_cmd:ftp -V -o -
The file ansiweatherrc.example
contains all available configuration
Location format is city,CC
where CC
is a two-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
country code. A list of country codes is available here.
Alternatively, it's also possible to specify locations by their ID, a city
list is available here.
In case no location is specified, AnsiWeather will fallback to the default location.
Example: Rzeszow,PL
Various tools can be used to fetch data: curl
, wget
, ftp
Please note that ftp
flags and options might differ among implementations
and versions, and the example provided here is known to work only on OpenBSD,
NetBSD and Mac OS X.
Example: curl -sf
fetch_cmd:curl -sf
Example: wget -qO-
fetch_cmd:wget -qO-
Example: ftp -V -o -
fetch_cmd:ftp -V -o -
Default: curl -sf
Both metric
and imperial
systems are supported.
Default: metric
Toggle ANSI sequences display. Value can be either true
(requires an ANSI
capable display) or false
Default: true
Toggle Unicode symbols display. Value can be either true
(requires a
Unicode capable display) or false
Default: false
Symbols can be configured or replaced by custom text using the following
configuration variables: sun
, moon
, clouds
, rain
, fog
, mist
, snow
, thunderstorm
Show upcoming forecast for the next N
days (for 0 <= N <= 7). 0
show standard output.
Default: 0
Toggle UV Index, wind, humidity, and/or pressure display. Values can be either
or false
Default: true
Toggle daylight display. Value can be either true
or false
Default: false
Configure date and time format display. See Unix date formatting docs for details.
dateformat:%a %b %d
Default: %a %b %d
timeformat:%b %d %r
Default: %b %d %r
Specify an OpenWeatherMap API key. By default AnsiWeather uses its own key, but users can optionally get their own one by creating a free OpenWeatherMap account.
AnsiWeather is released under the BSD 2-Clause license. See LICENSE
for details.
AnsiWeather is developed by Frederic Cambus.
- Site: