- Build a sales engine which takes an input of csvs of customers, transactions, invoices, merchants. Build a system to query data to monitor sales
Data source
We have several files of source data including:
- customer names and other attributestransactions.csv
- individual transactions with a marker relating a customer, merchant, invoice, and credit cardinvoices.csv
- invoices that link transactions to invoice items and hold a status- invoice_items.csv``` - the item, quantity, and unit price paid for an item in a transaction
- items available for sale at the merchantsmerchants.csv
- merchant names and identifying information
- The data was created from customer orders where:
- One invoice connects the customer to multiple invoice items, one or more transactions, and one merchant
- At least one transaction where their credit card is charged. If the charge fails, more transactions may be created for that single invoice.
- One or more invoice items: one for each item that they ordered
- The transaction references only the invoice
- The invoice item references an item and an invoice
- The item is connected to many invoice items and one merchant
- The merchant is connected to many invoices and many items
- Prices, as represented in the CSVs, are in cents. Anytime you return a revenue total (like in Merchant#revenue) you must return a BigDecimal representating dollars and cents (two decimals, rounded to the nearest cent).
Project implementation may not use:
- Databases (sqlite3, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, etc)
- Rails’ ActiveRecord library or a similar object-relational mappers (including Sequel, DataMapper, etc)
- Your implementation may not use Struct or OpenStruct
- Metaprogramming (method_missing, define_method, etc)