- Hyderabad, India
- https://www.saikiransripada.com/
booknotes Public
Forked from preslavmihaylov/booknotesA collection of my book notes on various subjects, mainly computer science
Java MIT License UpdatedApr 14, 2024 -
instagram-media-downloader Public
👻 A simple command-line script to download photos, videos and sidecars (album) of an Instagram profile.
mixyll Public
A minimal and beautiful Jekyll theme
jekyllthemes Public
Forked from mattvh/jekyllthemesA directory of the best-looking themes for Jekyll blogs
Operator-Mono Public
Forked from noikiy/Operator-MonoCoding Font Operator Mono
1 UpdatedAug 11, 2020 -
daattali.github.io Public
Forked from daattali/daattali.github.ioDean Attali's website - R/Shiny Consultant
pixyll Public
Forked from johno/pixyllA simple, beautiful Jekyll theme that's mobile first
instagram-similar-hashtags Public
🌴 Lists the similar hashtags based on the user keyword.
Python-Project-pillow-tesseract-and-opencv Public
Forked from chttrjeankr/Python-Project-pillow-tesseract-and-opencvCourse 5 of 5 in the Python 3 Programming Specialization on Coursera
-Python-Project-pillow-tesseract-and-opencv Public
Forked from lavanne1/Python-Project-pillow-tesseract-and-opencvFinal Project
bookmyshow Public
This python script checks if a movie tickets are available for a showtime and sends an email notification.
jekyll-minifier Public
Forked from digitalsparky/jekyll-minifierJekyll HTML/XML/CSS/JS Minifier utilising yui-compressor, and htmlcompressor
timothygu.github.io Public
Forked from TimothyGu/timothygu.github.ioMy website
kasper Public
Forked from rosario/kasperGhost's default theme (Casper) on Jekyll
allistera.github.io Public
Forked from allistera/allistera.github.ioPersonal Jekyll Blog
jekyll-incorporated Public
Forked from kippt/jekyll-incorporatedModern Jekyll based blog for companies
select-city-v2 Public
Forked from fauzie/select-city-v2OpenCart 2.0.x Extensions for city field to selectable from database
Chart.js Public
Forked from kerbasaurus/Chart.jsSimple HTML5 Charts using the <canvas> tag
getBrowserOS Public
Forked from swooningfish/getBrowserOS2 very simple PHP functions to fetch the Browser and Operating System from user agent data