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Personal Laptop Configuration with Ansible

This Ansible playbook simplifies and automates the setup and configuration of my personal Ubuntu laptop.

The installation process includes setting up core packages, essential utility tools like curl, fzf, eza, and bat, and essential applications such as Brave, VLC, Spotify, and Telegram. Additionally, it configures SSH and GPG keys, securely encrypted with Ansible Vault. It also sets up zsh with Oh-My-Zsh, and installs my dotfiles. My development setup and tools are also installed and configured (Neovim, Rust and NVM). Specifically for gnome, it also setup gnome shell extensions, default dconf settings, and keybindings.


Before running the playbook, ensure you have performed a fresh installation of Ubuntu 24.04.


1. Install git and ansible:

sudo apt install git ansible

2. Clone the repository:

git clone
cd ansible/

3. Setup the vault password:

Create a vault password file .vault_pass in the root directory and ensure it's only accessible by the current user:

sudo chown $USER:$USER .vault_pass
sudo chmod 0600 .vault_pass

Alternatively, you can use the --ask-vault-pass flag to pass the vault password.

4. Run the install script:

./                   # or
./ --ask-vault-pass  # pass the vault password

Some tasks have tags that can be used to filter the playbook. For example, ./ --tags minimal will only run the tasks tagged as minimal. Similarly, tags can also be used to exclude tasks with the --skip-tags option.

Keys Encryption

Export your gpg private and public keys:

gpg --export-secret-keys -a -o ./playbooks/files/gpg_github/private.asc
gpg --export -a -o ./playbooks/files/gpg_github/public.asc

For the ssh keys you can just copy the files from ~/.ssh:

cp ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 ./playbooks/files/ssh_github/id_ed25519
cp ~/.ssh/ ./playbooks/files/ssh_github/

Encrypt the private keys with ansible vault:

ansible-vault encrypt ./playbooks/files/gpg_github/private.asc
ansible-vault encrypt ./playbooks/files/ssh_github/id_ed25519