Leave Management is a sample application designed using below technologies
Twitter Bootstrap Framework
- PHP and Mysql
Steps to Install
- Copy the entire leave folder and place it in
(XAMPP) orwww
(WAMP) folder - Start Apache Web Server and MySql Webserver
- Go to leave/php/sql.php
- Update the $username and $password variable in it to the database username and database password (Default Value is present in sql.php file)
- Go to leave/php/config.php
- Update the $username and $password variable in it to the database username and database password (Default Value is present in config.php file)
- Open Browser and go to http://localhost/leave/php/sql.php. You would see the message "Database created successfully Success"
- If you did not see the above message,check the $username and $password variable values and update accordingly
- Open http://localhost/leave/www/ which is the home page of the application
$ Username $ Password
keerthana password123
arthi password1234
jaya password12345
classincharge password678
Apache License Version 2.0