phpsoliscontrol is a standalone php proof-of-concept script to set charge/discharge settings for Solis Inverters via SolisCloud API
The script can be directly called like:
php phpsoliscontrol.php
Optionally, you can specify the "reset" argument to set a predefined set of charge / discharge from 00:00-00:00 (aka "do nothing")
php phpsoliscontrol.php reset
Enter your account details in a separate config.php file or directly edit the script
$keyID = '<your API Key provided by SolisAPI>'; //i.e. '13000000000000000'
$keySecret = '<your API SECRET provided by SolisAPI>'; //i.e. 'aabbccddeff001122334455'
$keyAccount = '<SolisCloud Web Account>'; //i.e. '[email protected]';
$keyPass = '<SolisCloud Web Pass>'; // i.e.'sldkfjslkdfjslkdfjlsk';
Just a basic PHP able to run curl calls.