(formerly known as the Table Method Thing)
It's like the Recursive Argument Method except not at all
click me: http://cedar.sice.indiana.edu:35888/Beginning-Student-Tables/
note: the version of the Table Method Thing at this link may be several commits behind
clone the repo
install npm (the NodePackageManager)
on Debian it's probably
sudo apt install npm
on Fedora it's probably
sudo dnf install npm
so however you install packages on your OS/distribution, just do that
go to the project directory (two)
cd path/to/repo/prototypes/two
using npm, install dependencies
npm install
npm start
to start a development server -
have fun!
If this doesn't make sense, the README in prototypes/two
contains more info.
go to project directory (two)
cd path/to/repo/prototypes/two
using npm, run
npm run build
run server in server directory using racket
cd ../../server mkdir -p logs racket server.rkt