One of the SSH Keys Manager implementation in Node.js. Inspired by TimothyYe/skm , which is written in go language.
- Create new SSH and named with alias
- Manage the SSH keys with alias (Delete/Rename/List)
- Switch default SSH keys (in ~/.ssh) with alias
- Archive/Restore SSH keys
- Copy key to remote host
npm install -g my-skm
Usage: mskm <command> [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --help output usage information
init|i Initialize SSH key storage
create|c <alias> [options] Create SSH key with alias, support ssh-keygen options.
ls|l List all the stored keys
use|u <alias> Change keyset to current use
remove|rm <alias> Remove SSH with alias
rename|rn <alias> [newAlias] Rename SSH key to new alias
backup|b <target> Backup store to <target> achive file.
restore|r <source> Restore from <source> achive file.
send|s <host> [alias] Send identity to <host> omit alias for key inuse.
Before using the command, initialize is required. It will try to create the key store for user keys. If there's already keys in ~/.ssh, it will be saved as alias 'default'.
mskm init
Create a SSH key with alias(based on SSH-KEYGEN), supported options of SSH-KEYGEN, such as comment (-C [comment]).
mskm create <alias> [options]
List all the SSH key sets in store.
mskm ls
Key in using will be hignlighted with arrow mark '->'.
-> prod
Change default key(in ~/.ssh) to alias key set.
mskm use <alias>
Rename the alias.
mskm rename <alias> <newAlias>
Remove the alias from store
mskm remove <alias>
Archive all the alias in store to specific path.
mskm backup <target>
Restore all the alias from archiver in specific path.
mskm restore <source>
Send the identity to remote host, if alias is given will send will alias' public key. Default sending the public key inusing.
mskm send <host> [alias]