build universal cross-platform apps with react native
Quick Start β’ Features β’ Advanced Configuration β’ Architecture β’ RNV CLI β’ Developing RNV Locally β’ Discussions β’ Contributors β’ Backers β’ Sponsors β’ Community β’ Stats β’ License
iOS | tvOS | Android TV | macOS |
Android | Web | Tizen TV | LG webOS |
Tizen Watch | Windows | Android Wear | KaiOS |
The universal development SDK to build multi-platform projects with react native. Includes latest
,Android TV
,Tizen TV
,Tizen Watch
,LG webOS
- Ideal starting point for advanced multi-platform projects.
- Uses latest vanilla native project templates including Xcode with Swift and Android with Kotlin support
- Includes bleeding edge dependencies configured to work with each other
$ npm install react-native-vanilla@latest -g
$ rnv app create
Follow steps in the terminal
3) Create 3 separate terminal tabs/windows. use one to keep bundler running and other one for build commands
TAB 1:
Start the bundler
$ rnv start
TAB 2:
Run your first ios
$ rnv run -p ios
TAB 3:
Run your first web
$ rnv run -p web
π Congratulations! You're now multi-platform developer!
- Node
or newer - NPM
or newer - Android Studio (if you want to develop for Android)
- Xcode (if you want to develop for iOS/tvOS)
- Tizen Studio (if you want to develop for Tizen)
- WebOS SDK (if you want to develop for WebOS)
- KaiOS SDK (if you want to develop for KaiOS)
RNV Allows you to perform reset commands if you facing unforeseen problems or migrating RNV versions
Reset Metro Bundler cache
rnv start -r
Reset specific platform of platformBuild project (fully recreate project based on provided template)
rnv run -p <PLATFORM> -r
rnv app configure -p <PLATFORM> -r
Reset all platforms of platformBuild project (fully recreate projects based on provided template)
rnv app configure -r
will create config folder at this location: ~/.rnv/config.json
Open the file and edit SDK paths of platforms you plan to use:
"sdks": {
"ANDROID_SDK": "/Users/<USER>/Library/Android/sdk",
"ANDROID_NDK": "/Users/<USER>/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle",
"IOS_SDK": "No need. Just install Xcode",
"TIZEN_SDK": "/Users/<USER>/tizen-studio",
"WEBOS_SDK": "/Users/<USER>/Library/webOS_TV_SDK",
"KAIOS_SDK": "/Applications/"
You can also edit your preferred emulator targets (allows you to run rnv target launch -p <PLATFORM>
without -p <TARGET>
"defaultTargets": {
"android": "Nexus_5X_API_26",
"androidtv": "Android_TV_720p_API_22",
"androidwear": "Android_Wear_Round_API_28",
"ios": "iPhone 6",
"tvos": "Apple TV 4K",
"tizen": "T-samsung-5.0-x86",
"tizenwatch": "W-5.0-circle-x86",
"webos": "emulator"
Re-Generate platform projects (for helloWorld app config platforms):
rnv platform configure -c helloWorld
Configure your multi-platform app based on ./appConfigs/helloWorld
rnv app configure -c helloWorld -u
You can configure different app ID, Title etc. with buildScheme field in you appConfig file.
"buildSchemes": {
"debug": {
"id": "reactnativevanilla.helloworld.debug",
"runScheme": "Debug",
"bundleAssets": false,
"bundleIsDev": true
"release": {
"id": "reactnativevanilla.helloworld.release",
"runScheme": "Release",
"bundleAssets": true,
"bundleIsDev": false
this will allow you to build 2 separate iOS apps with slightly different configurations:
rnv run -ios -s debug
(-s debug
is DEFAULT option so you don't have to add it every time)
rnv run -ios -s release
Sometimes you need to add buildFlavour specific file into project before build. ie Firebase, Crashlytics configs and so on
you can achieve by creating folder with postfix <PLATFORM>@<BUILD_SCHEME_NAME>
βββ appConfigs
βββ helloWorld
βββ assets
βββ builds
βββ android@release
β βββ fileToBeInjectedInReleaseMode.txt
βββ android@debug
βββ fileToBeInjectedInDebugMode.txt
RNV Supports standard community driven react-native plugins you can use to enhance the functionality of your apps:
rnv plugin list
to add new plugin to your project:
rnv plugin add
and follow the command prompt steps
You can configure multiple React Native plugins without need to update project blueprints.
default location of plugin configs is ./projectConfig/plugins.json
"plugins": {
"react-native-gesture-handler" : {
"version": "0.1.0",
"ios": {
"podName": "RNGestureHandler",
"path": "node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler"
"android": {
"package": "com.swmansion.gesturehandler.react.RNGestureHandlerPackage",
"path": "node_modules/react-native-gesture-handler/android"
For decoupled project you might need to point to custom appConfig location per project. because that location might be different for each developer you can create rnv-config.local.json
in your project root (git ignored by default) which points to your local appConfig folder.
Contents of the file should follow this format:
"appConfigsPath": "/Users/<USER>/my-local-app-config-folder"
By default, RNV controls platformTemplates for you. Advantage is that you don't need to maintain them and will get all the updates automatically. If however you need to customise them you can eject them directly into your project.
rnv platform eject
your projects will be build using ./platformTemplates
from this point
If you want to revert back to using RNV templates simply run
rnv platform connect
your projects will be build using ./node_modules/react-native-vanilla/rnv-cli/platformTemplates
from this point
Build Process
Folder Structure (Generated Project)
βββ appConfigs # Application flavour configuration files/assets
β βββ helloWorld # Example application flavour
β βββ assets # Platform assets injected to `./platformAssets`
β βββ builds # Platform files injected to `./platformBuilds`
β βββ config.json # Application flavour config
βββ platformAssets # Generated cross-platform assets
βββ platformBuilds # Generated platform app projects
βββ projectConfigs # Project configuration files/assets
β βββ fonts # Folder for all custom fonts
β βββ fonts.json # Fonts configuration
β βββ permissions.json # Permissions configuration
β βββ plugins.json # React Native Plugins configuration
βββ src # Source files
- Latest swift based Xcode project
- Cocoapods Workspace ready
- Swift 4.1 Support
Feature | Version |
Swift | 4.1 |
Deployment Target | 11.4 |
rnv start
rnv run -p ios
IMPORTANT: before you run RNV app on the actual iOS device you MUST:
- Have ios device connected on the same network as your dev machine
- Have ios developer account properly configured with ability to generate provisioning profiles dynamically (Dynamic Signing)
- Have correct TeamID assigned
in your./appConfigs/<YOUR_APP_CONFIG>/config.json
You can configure each buldScheme
ie -s release
in your config file ./appConfigs/<YOUR_APP_CONFIG>/config.json
rnv start
rnv run -p ios -d
This will run production version on your device (not connected to metro bundler) Same prerequisite as above applies here
rnv start
rnv run -p ios -s release -d
Launch app with specific iOS simulator
rnv run -p ios -t "iPhone 6 Plus"
Launch app with specific iOS simulator (let RNV to give you the list of available options):
rnv run -p ios -t ?
Launch specific emulator :
rnv target launch -p ios -t "iPhone 8"
Launch specific emulator (let RNV to give you the list of available options):
rnv target launch -p ios -t ?
Get list of all available devices
rnv target list -p ios
Get device/simulator logs
rnv log -p ios
Get device/simulator logs with filter
rnv log -p ios -f com.myapp
- Latest Android project
- Kotlin Support
- Support for Gradle 4.9
- Android Studio for Android development
- Android SDK
or newer for Android development
Feature | Version |
Gradle | 4.10.1 |
Android Gradle | 3.3.1 |
Kotlin | 1.3.20 |
Target SDK | 27 |
You can create variety of emulators via Android Studio IDE
NOTE: make sure you have 1 android device connected or 1 emulator running
rnv start
rnv run -p android
rnv start
rnv run -p android -d
This will run production version on your device (not connected to metro bundler)
You can configure each buldScheme
ie -s release
in your config file ./appConfigs/<YOUR_APP_CONFIG>/config.json
rnv start
rnv run -p android -s release -d
Launch specific android emulator:
rnv target launch -p android -t Nexus_5X_API_26
Launch app with specific iOS simulator (let RNV to give you the list of available options):
rnv run -p android -t ?
Launch specific emulator :
rnv target launch -p android -t Nexus_5X_API_26
Launch specific emulator (let RNV to give you the list of available options):
rnv target launch -p android -t ?
Get list of all available devices
rnv target list -p android
Get device/simulator logs
rnv log -p android
Get device/simulator logs with filter
rnv log -p android -f com.myapp
- Latest swift based Xcode project
- Cocoapods Workspace ready
- Swift 4.1 Support
Feature | Version |
Swift | 4.1 |
Deployment Target | 11.4 |
rnv start
rnv run -p tvos
Launch with specific tvOS simulator
rnv run -p tvos -t "Apple TV 4K"
- Latest Android project
- Kotlin Support
- Support for Gradle 4.9
- Android Studio for Android development
- Android SDK
or newer for Android development
Feature | Version |
Gradle | 4.10.1 |
Android Gradle | 3.3.1 |
Kotlin | 1.3.20 |
Target SDK | 27 |
NOTE: make sure you have 1 android device connected or 1 emulator running
rnv start
rnv run -p androidtv
Launch specific emulator:
rnv target launch -p androidtv -t Android_TV_720p_API_22
- Supports Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE10+
- no extra requirements required
Feature | Version |
Webpack | 3.11.0 |
react-native-web | 0.9.1 |
Babel Core | 7.1.2 |
rnv run -p web
open browser URL:
rnv build -p web
your deployable web app folder will be located in ./platformBuilds/<APP_ID>_web/public
Run with verbose logging:
rnv run -p web --info
Run app on custom port 9999
rnv run -p web --port 9999
- Latest Tizen project
- Support for Tizen 5.0
- Tizen SDK
Feature | Version |
Tizen Studio | 2.5 |
Tizen SDK | 5.0 |
react-native-web | 0.9.9 |
Babel Core | 7.1.2 |
Make sure you have at least 1 TV VM setup
rnv target launch -p tizen -t T-samsung-5.0-x86
rnv run -p tizen
Launch with specific Tizen simulator:
rnv run -p tizen -t T-samsung-5.0-x86
- Latest Tizen project
- Support for Tizen 5.0
- Tizen SDK
Feature | Version |
Tizen Studio | 2.5 |
Tizen SDK | 5.0 |
react-native-web | 0.9.9 |
Babel Core | 7.1.2 |
Make sure you have at least 1 TV VM setup
rnv target launch -p tizenwatch -t W-5.0-circle-x86
rnv run -p tizenwatch
Launch with specific Tizen Watch simulator:
rnv run -p tizenwatch -t W-5.0-circle-x86
- Latest LG webOS Project
- LG Emulator v3.0.0
Feature | Version |
react-native-web | 0.9.9 |
Babel Core | 7.1.2 |
- launch webOS emulator via CLI
rnv target launch -p webos -t emulator
- launch webOS emulator Manually
usually located in something like:
rnv run -p webos
- support for OSX/macOS
- Based on Electron
- n/a
Feature | Version |
electron | 2.0.0 |
react-native-web | 0.9.9 |
electron-builder | 20.28.2 |
rnv run -p macos
- support for Windows 10+
- Based on Electron
- Windows dev environment
Feature | Version |
electron | 2.0.0 |
react-native-web | 0.9.1 |
electron-builder | 20.28.2 |
rnv run -p windows
- Latest Android project
- Kotlin Support
- Support for Gradle 4.9
- Android Studio for Android development
- Android SDK
or newer for Android development
Feature | Version |
Gradle | 4.10.1 |
Android Gradle | 3.3.1 |
Kotlin | 1.3.20 |
Target SDK | 27 |
NOTE: make sure you have 1 android wear device connected or 1 wear emulator running
rnv run -p androidwear
Launch specific emulator:
rnv target launch -p androidwear -t Android_Wear_Round_API_28
- KaiOSrt for emulator
After installation you can launch it via Applications:
NOTE: make sure you have 1 android wear device connected or 1 wear emulator running
rnv run -p kaios
rnv --help //Print help
rnv --version //Print RNV Version
rnv run -p <PLATFORM> //Run app on simulator/device/browser
rnv target launch -p <PLATFORM> //Start target (i.e. simulator/ emulator)
rnv app configure //Configure app based on selected appConfig (copy runtime, initialise, copy assets, versions)
rnv app create //Create new app
rnv platform eject //Eject platformTemplates into project
rnv platform connect //Use RNV predefined templates
If you need full control over whole RNV build you can clone and develop it locally
1) clone [email protected]:pavjacko/react-native-vanilla.git
2) cd react-native-vanilla
3) npm i
4) npm run watch
5) npm link
At this point your global $ rnv
command is linked directly into project above.
It's also best way to contribute back to RNV! :)
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].
Thank you to all our backers! π [Become a backer]
Special thanks to open-source initiatives this project utilises, notably: