The main firmware for the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter, Crazyflie Bolt Quadcopter and Roadrunner Positioning Tag.
Implementation swarm of drones with dinamical leadership
Intelligent UAV path planning simulation system is a software with fine operation control, strong platform integration, omnidirectional model building and application automation. It takes the UAV w…
Documents describing the aerial robotic landscape
Useful links of different content related to AI, Computer Vision, and Robotics.
Undergraduate thesis project. ROS package for CoppeliaSim drone simulation with feature extraction for ML analysis.
jeremyfix / bebop_sphinx
Forked from Insper/bebop_sphinxDocumentation related to the use of Bebop drones and the Sphinx simulator
Implementation of the SWEVO paper: "Decentralised Aerial Swarm for Adaptive and Energy Efficient Transport of Unknown Loads".
FastSLAM with Pioneer robot in CoppeliaSim(V-REP)
Coppelia simulation metapackage.
Drivers for motion capture systems (Vicon and Qualisys, can be extended to compatible with other mocap systems)
KR (KumarRobotics) autonomous flight system for GPS-denied quadrotors
Robust Stereo Visual Inertial Odometry for Fast Autonomous Flight
Robot simulator based on ROS, CoppeliaSim and ViSP
A ros_control hardware_interface for coppeliasim (like gazebo_ros_control)
This project uses the CoppeliaSim simulator as an environment to demonstrate the application of computer vision in simulated robotics settings. The simulated scene depicts a table with a notebook a…
SADEN stands for Swarm of Autonmous Drones for Exploration and Navigation