Tags: samginn/react-virtualized
* 🐛 List and Grid scroll snapping / resetting bugfix bvaughn#823 by @… …TrySound * 🐛 MultiGrid crash due to scrollTo* prop being NaN bvaughn#829 by @mcordova47 * 🐛 MultiGrid invalid tabIndex prop type bvaughn#818 by @kalley * 🎉 Columnd default sort direction bvaughn#833 by @mbseid
* ✨ 'Grid' uses 'requestAnimationFrame' instead of 'setTimeout' for i… …mproved scroll-ended debounce timing (@guilhermefloriani) - bvaughn#742) * 🎉 'onRowRightClick' prop added to 'Table' (@damian-codilime) - bvaughn#741) * 🎉 'Table' component now allow children that extend 'Column' (@CptLemming) - bvaughn#748) * 🐛 Firefox edge-case bugfix (@ReinAkane) - bvaughn#798) * 🎉 'onWheel' prop added to 'Grid' (@implausible) - bvaughn#778) * ✨ 'Grid' accessibility improved via better aria attributes (@smockle) - bvaughn#744) * ✨ 'CellMeasurererCache.clearAll' also sets row and column counts (@tcosentino) - bvaughn#796)
* 🎉 'InfiniteLoader' API method 'resetLoadMoreRowsCache' accepts opti… …onal parameter to auto-reload most recent range of rows. (@bamaboy - bvaughn#704) * 🎉 'MultiGrid' now supports scrolling when hovering over fixed rows or columns by way of new 'enableFixedColumnScroll' and 'enableFixedRowScroll' props. (@danalloway - bvaughn#708) * 🎉 'WindowScroller' supports new configurable 'scrollingResetTimeInterval' prop (similar to 'Grid'). (@djeeg - bvaughn#728) * 🐛 Edge-case bugfix for style caching of 'Grids' locked with 'ScrollSync'. (@nathanpower - bvaughn#727/github.com/bvaughn/pull/727)) * ✨ New 'onScrollbarPresenceChange' prop added to 'Grid'.
* 🎉 WindowScroller supports scrollToIndex prop. (@leoasis - bvaughn#643) * 🎉 Allow ArrowKeyStepper to be used as a controlled component. (@mking-clari - bvaughn#688) * 🎉New handleScroll method on Grid to better support custom scrollbars. (@5angel - bvaughn#693) * 🐛 Added edge-case gaurd to WindowScroller to prevent calling setState when unmounted. (@liorbrauer - bvaughn#689) * 🐛 Fixed edge-case in Grid where setting an initial scroll-to offset with a height or width of 0 caused the scroll-to prop to be ignored when size later changed. (bvaughn#691)
✨ Better aria roles set for `Table` column cells and headers. (@jchen527 - bvaughn#681) 🐛 `CellMeasurer` restores `width` and `height` `style` values after measuring to avoid edge-case layout bugs. (@marcelmokos - bvaughn#675)
* ✨ Improved performance for CellMeasurerCache by removing some unnec… …essary computations for fixed-width/fixed-height use cases. (@RaviDasari - bvaughn#676) * 🐛 MultiGrid ensures correct row/column indices are passed to CellMeasurerCache for top-right and bottom Grids. (bvaughn#670)