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Tags: samginn/react-virtualized



Toggle 9.13.0's commit message
* 🎉 Added headerStyle support for Table columns (@mucsi96 - bvaughn#877)

* 🐛 Fixed Masonry bug that caused cells to be unnecessarily destroyed and then recreated when new cells were measured (d561d9c)


Toggle 9.12.0's commit message
Added defaultHeight and defaultWidth properties to AutoSizer for SSR


Toggle 9.11.1's commit message
Masonry component now properly pre-renders as specified by overscanBy…



Toggle 9.11.0's commit message
* 🐛 List and Grid scroll snapping / resetting bugfix bvaughn#823 by @…


* 🐛 MultiGrid crash due to scrollTo* prop being NaN bvaughn#829 by @mcordova47
* 🐛 MultiGrid invalid tabIndex prop type bvaughn#818 by @kalley
* 🎉 Columnd default sort direction bvaughn#833 by @mbseid


Toggle 9.10.1's commit message
* 🐛 Server-side rendering 'window' reference bugfix

* 🐛 'Grid.defaultProps' bugfix


Toggle 9.10.0's commit message
* ✨ 'Grid' uses 'requestAnimationFrame' instead of 'setTimeout' for i…

…mproved scroll-ended debounce timing (@guilhermefloriani) - bvaughn#742)

* 🎉 'onRowRightClick' prop added to 'Table' (@damian-codilime) - bvaughn#741)
* 🎉 'Table' component now allow children that extend 'Column' (@CptLemming) - bvaughn#748)
* 🐛 Firefox edge-case bugfix (@ReinAkane) - bvaughn#798)
* 🎉 'onWheel' prop added to 'Grid' (@implausible) - bvaughn#778)
* ✨ 'Grid' accessibility improved via better aria attributes (@smockle) - bvaughn#744)
* ✨ 'CellMeasurererCache.clearAll' also sets row and column counts (@tcosentino) - bvaughn#796)


Toggle 9.9.0's commit message
* 🎉 'InfiniteLoader' API method 'resetLoadMoreRowsCache' accepts opti…

…onal parameter to auto-reload most recent range of rows. (@bamaboy - bvaughn#704)

* 🎉 'MultiGrid' now supports scrolling when hovering over fixed rows or columns by way of new 'enableFixedColumnScroll' and 'enableFixedRowScroll' props. (@danalloway - bvaughn#708)
* 🎉 'WindowScroller' supports new configurable 'scrollingResetTimeInterval' prop (similar to 'Grid'). (@djeeg - bvaughn#728)
* 🐛 Edge-case bugfix for style caching of 'Grids' locked with 'ScrollSync'. (@nathanpower - bvaughn#727/
* ✨ New 'onScrollbarPresenceChange' prop added to 'Grid'.


Toggle 9.8.0's commit message
* 🎉 WindowScroller supports scrollToIndex prop. (@leoasis - bvaughn#643)

* 🎉 Allow ArrowKeyStepper to be used as a controlled component. (@mking-clari - bvaughn#688)
* 🎉New handleScroll method on Grid to better support custom scrollbars. (@5angel - bvaughn#693)
* 🐛 Added edge-case gaurd to WindowScroller  to prevent calling setState when unmounted. (@liorbrauer - bvaughn#689)
* 🐛 Fixed edge-case in Grid where setting an initial scroll-to offset with a height or width of 0 caused the scroll-to prop to be ignored when size later changed. (bvaughn#691)


Toggle 9.7.6's commit message
✨ Better aria roles set for `Table` column cells and headers. (@jchen527

 - bvaughn#681)

🐛 `CellMeasurer` restores `width` and `height` `style` values after measuring to avoid edge-case layout bugs. (@marcelmokos - bvaughn#675)


Toggle 9.7.5's commit message
* ✨ Improved performance for CellMeasurerCache by removing some unnec…

…essary computations for fixed-width/fixed-height use cases. (@RaviDasari - bvaughn#676)

* 🐛 MultiGrid ensures correct row/column indices are passed to CellMeasurerCache for top-right and bottom Grids. (bvaughn#670)