Small scripts/projects that have no other home
- Chatroom Basic chatroom which manages accounts with MySQL and writes to a file for messages. Requires you to write your MySQL database info in login.php, register.php, and verify.php before you run it.
- Daily Coding Problems My solutions to problems from Daily Coding Problem.
- Ciphers A few random ciphers. Caesar and Vigenere ciphers implemented.
- Linked List Basic implementation of a one way linked list. Includes appending, prepending, displaying as an array, inserting, and removing.
- MNIST-ML A neural net built with Keras/Tensorflow that can predict handwritten numbers from the MNIST database with over 95% accuracy.
- mlcrashcourse-mnist Modified code from Google's ML Crash Course to predict MNIST numbers. Not accurate but I am using it as a reference for an alternative way to build a TF neural network.
- Picross* Picross solver.
- Website Update Template for a script that automatically updates a website to match its GitHub repository. The PHP file triggers the script and contains guidance on setting it up so it is only triggered by a Webhook.
- Update* Logs into your account and updates scripts based on their current version on GitHub.
License This repository is more of a personal reference, but I put it under the MIT license, so if anyone is reading this and you find something that you like, you can use it for your own purposes.
*Projects with an asterisk do not have their main intended features implemented and may not work.