There are 3 ways that you can adopt this template.
- Click the
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button on this repo, or click on this link. - Clone this repo, delete the .git folder and re-init the Git tree.
- Use
:npx degit samhwang/fullstack-netlify-template project-name
- Client: based on
.- Vite, React and TypeScript - The core of the client side.
- React Router - To handle app client side routing
- React Hook Form - To handle form creation and validation.
- Backend: built with
- Netlify Functions - Serverless functions offered by Netlify.
- Prisma - Next-generation Node.js and TypeScript ORM.
- tRPC - End-to-end typesafe APIs made easy.
- Common tools:
- Biome for code formatting.
- Vitest for running unit tests with React Testing Library.
- msw to fake a service worker request to intercept API calls.
cp .env.sample .env
docker compose up -d db
npm install
pnpm run dev