DDHotKey Copyright (c) 2010, Dave DeLong http://www.davedelong.com
##About DDHotKey is an easy-to-use Cocoa class for registering an application to respond to system key events, or "hotkeys".
A global hotkey is a key combination that always executes a specific action, regardless of which app is frontmost. For example, the Mac OS X default hotkey of "command-space" shows the Spotlight search bar, even if Finder is not the frontmost application.
##License The license for this framework is included in every source file, and is repoduced in its entirety here:
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of, or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
##How to use
First, your application will need to link against Carbon.framework
When you wish to create a hotkey, you'll need to do so via a DDHotKeyCenter
object. You may
alloc/init and release a DDHotKeyCenter
object at anytime; it is merely an accessor to a static
, which holds the hotkeys in global memory.
You can register a hotkey in one of two ways: via a target/action mechanism, or with a block. The
target/action mechanism can take a single extra "object" parameter, which it will pass into the
action when the hotkey is fired. Both the target
and the object
parameters are retained by the
. In addition, an NSEvent
object is passed, which contains information regarding
the hotkey event (such as the location, the keyCode, the modifierFlags, etc).
Hotkey actions must have one of two method signatures (the actual selector is irrelevant):
//a method with a single NSEvent parameter
- (void) hotkeyAction:(NSEvent*)hotKeyEvent;
//a method with an NSEvent parameter and an object parameter
- (void) hotkeyAction:(NSEvent*)hotKeyEvent withObject:(id)anObject;
The other way to register a hotkey is with a block callback. The block must have the following signature:
void (^)(NSEvent *);
contains a typedef statement to typedef this signature as a DDHotKeyTask
, for
Finally, you can unregister a hotkey based on its target, its target and action, or its keycode and modifier flags.