I am a dedicated and passionate professional with 3+ years of experience in the technology industry. Throughout my career, I have gained solid knowledge in various fields.
From the early stages of my journey, I have immersed myself in the world of Linux, with a particular focus on the Arch Linux operating system. Through customization and tackling technical challenges, I have explored different distributions and deepened my understanding of Arch Linux's inner workings.
I have actively contributed to projects within my company, making significant contributions to their success. My expertise extends to a wide range of technologies, including React.js, Next.js, Spring Boot, Java, WCM (Web Content Management), Portlets. I am well-versed in both monolithic and microservices architectures, understanding the advantages and challenges of each approach.
Throughout my professional journey, I have demonstrated strong problem-solving abilities, adaptability, and a continuous learning mindset. I am committed to enhancing my technical skills and staying up-to-date with the latest trends in the technology industry.
In terms of my development environment, I prioritize productivity and aim to share tips on achieving the same. Here are the key components:
- Operating System: Linux (specifically, Artix distribution)
- Window Manager: Dwm (Desktop Window Manager)
- Editor: I utilize Vim as my go-to terminal editor and employ Intellij IDEA for Java development, alongside VSCode for JavaScript.
- Main Programming Tools: Java and Spring Boot
- Secondary Programming Languages: JavaScript and Bash
You can find evidence of my expertise in Java development, where I specialize in building RESTful APIs using the Spring Boot framework. Additionally, I leverage my knowledge of C and Bash languages to customize my Dwm window manager. On my profile, you will discover various scripts and configurations related to my graphical interface.
While these technologies form the foundation of my expertise, I am always open to new experiences and continuously seek growth opportunities. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting projects on this profile!