An open source Korean grammar guide and textbook with an eye for those who have already studied Japanese.
Front Matter Guide:
order: 1 # The order in the section
title: "Page Title" # Page and article title
categories: category1 category2 # which categories it belongs to
japan-title: "文法の基本" # Title in Japanese if it has one
prevLink: 'book/section/article/' # link to next page in section (do not include on first article in a section)
nextLink: 'book/section/article/' # link to next page in section (do not include on last article in a section)
description: >
Put intro here for search engines.
You can use
multiple lines.
vocab: { # all korean words that appear in an article and their translations
명사: noun,
동사: verb,
형용사: adjective,
숫자: number
quiz: '[{ # end of article quiz
name: "city",
type: "input",
answer: [
answers: [],
value: "",
values: [],
placeholder: "",
multiple: "",
question: "Name one of the parts of speech."
To compile sass:
cd _sass
bower install
cd ..
jekyll build
To add new grammar page:
- Create new page with title, category, and order front matter
To add new grammar section:
create new folder in _book/ folder
add folder name to _data/sections.yml