- Uruguay
- in/santiagoferreira
- Pro
Yet another Event Sourcing experiment. A project exploring Vert.x to develop Event Sourcing / CQRS applications.
Example of a simplified Backend Driven UI framework
🥣 Test your package against different versions of its dependencies
Fleeting Lambda Application for Modular Execution: auto scale parts of your existing app with a single function call
DDogZip listens for tracing data from Datadog clients and forwards it to a Zipkin collector.
An Nx backend for candle machine learning framework
Browser extension and framework to use and build AI assistants for any web application
Full Modular Monolith Rails application with Domain-Driven Design approach. Inspired by https://github.com/kgrzybek/modular-monolith-with-ddd
A Transactional Outbox implementation for Rails and ActiveRecord
A CLI application to interact with OpenAI's ChatGPT API
Visual Studio Code extension that allows you to focus on a single window at a time. When activated, the extension hides all other windows except the one that is currently in focus. When executed ag…
Persistent channels, and channel pools for gRPC Elixir.
A wrapper for starting and stopping a child process in runtime, based on periodic checks
OLEDVirtual is a library to mock the OLED (https://github.com/pappersverk/oled) screen for local development.
Simple GraphQL client library to build composable queries
PDFParty provides access to the content of a PDF file through a friendly Elixir API.
[ABANDONED] funkLang is a Visual FrontEnd Framework where you can design, develop and deploy complex web applications using both visual and code workflows
Exception notification for plug based applications https://hex.pm/packages/boom_notifier
Easing the query object pattern in Rails applications
Easing the form object pattern in Rails applications