OvenMVC is a lightweight and straightforward PHP framework that's hassle-free to install. Due to a simple setup process and highly illustrated documentation, it's ideal for beginners.
Developers should utilize OvenMVC for various reasons, but the number one reason is for speeding up the development process. Reusing code across similar projects will save the developer a substantial amount of time and effort.
OvenMVC offers pre-built modules for performing tedious coding tasks, so the developer can spend their time on developing the actual application rather than re-building the foundation with each project.
Stability is another big reason for developers to utilize ovenmvc. While simplicity is one of OvenMVC’s greatest assets and the reason many people prefer to use this, it can also be one of its biggest downfalls.
When working on a project with tight deadlines, utilizing a OvenMVC is a huge benefit that can greatly speed up the coding process. So if you’re in a time crunch, OvenMVC can be very beneficial to you.
Another instance when OvenMVC should be a consideration is when you’re working on projects with substantial amounts of monotonous coding, because it will help make the job much less tedious.
Instructions for how to download/install the code onto your machine.
Installing OvenMVC via composer
composer create-project sandeep2007/ovenmvc
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.