Convolution reverb on a shoe-string. Website accompanying projects by Otto Willberg for uploading, listening to and archiving convolution reverb impulses. Uses webaudio in the browser to perform convolution. Built by Sam Andreae.
- Express API
- Nuxt frontend
- Docker
- openAPI + validation
- redocs UI
- Ngrok
- Jest
- ESlint & Prettier
- Github Actions
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
# generate static project
$ npm run generate
# run tests (needs test db to be running)
$ npm run test:server
$ npm run test
# run linter
$ npm run lint
# Build and run container
$ npm run docker:start
# Build and run container for testing linting
$ npm run docker:test-server
# then...
$ npm run docker:test
$ npm run docker:lint
# Run just the db
$ npm run docker:db
The express
API is located in api/ and is served as a middleware module through nuxt
MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/ MONGO_DB=db-name TEST_MONGO_DB=test-db-name AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=aws-access-key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=aws-secret-access-key DO_BUCKET=bucket-name JWT_SECRET=longsecretkey JWT_EXPIRES_IN=30d JWT_COOKIE_EXPIRES_IN=30d NODE_ENV=development