A DSA final project to classifies the ethnic (race) of a person by the closeup image of the face.
Team Name: PBK
Class DSA: B
Aldi Hilman Ramadhani - 1606895184 - @sangbijaksana
Bagas Irwansyah - 1606880730 - @bagasirwansyah
Benny William Pardede - 1606917550 - @ededrap
Ilham Darmawan Candra Purnama - 1606882351 - @ilhamdcp
Izzatul Muttaqin - 1606837915 - @IzzatulMuttaqin
- Web Scraping gambar menggunakan Hardikvasa/google-images-downloader. Kata kunci pencarian yang digunakan:
- Black Man
- Asian Man
- White Man
File that being used for storing the label.
file_name: The name of the file, including folder path
ethnic: Manual ethnic [race] labelling
- 0: African [Negroid]
- 1: Asian (East Asia) [Mongoloid]
- 2: European [Caucasoid]
- 4: Undentifed/ Non of The Above/ Not a face