Core is an experimental new way to write videogames in the form of an Action-RPG Maker Tool&Engine&Property-Editor. The only thing missing is a game ;)
It uses a simple component system, where components are just clojure vectors of [keyword value]
and the different entities are clojure maps.
Side effects in the game are just components like [:tx/foo param]
named 'tx=transaction' similar to the datomic structure.
The whole game state is stored in one atom: app/state
and entities are again atoms inside the main atom (like in our universe).
The whole content of the application is stored in one resources/properties.edn
and uses malli-schemas for validation and can be edited with a GUI as seen in the screenshot below.

Just type:
lein dev
It will start the application and also:
- Starts an NREPL-Server
- On application close (ESC in the main menu), will do refresh on any changed files and restart the app.
- On any error the JVM does not have to be restarted, you can fix the error and call
I have bound it on my VIM to F5 with:nmap <F5> :Eval (do (in-ns 'dev-loop)(restart!))
The assets used are proprietary and not open source.
- Tilesets by
- Creatures, Items, Skill-Icons,FX and other assets by
- Cursors from Leonid Deburger