Click to reach Song Dwonload bot 💫
= Enter your bot token in sample.env when deploying it
= Use this command to start the bot
= Use this command to download songs
Example: /song "Enter the song name here"
class Chat:
def __init__(self, msg):
self.chat_id = msg['chat']['id']
self.user_input = msg['text']
self.user_input = self.user_input.replace('@songdownload597_bot', '')
self.user_name = msg['from']['first_name']
self.message_id = msg['message_id']
self.messages = {
'start':'🤖 Hello, '+ self.user_name +'!\n\n'
'📩 I can download songs for you. Just send me the song name in below format:\n\n'
'"*/song* _song name_" or\n'
'"*/song* _musician name - song name_"\n\n'
'to download some songs. 🎶',
- Increased the downoading speed by x2🚅
- Added youtube link🔗
- Added a greet message after complete downloading📩
- Minor bug fixes🔎
- Optimizations🔃