- Bangalore
- http://geekyants.com/sanket
- @sanketsahu
awesome-universal-react Public
Forked from axeldelafosse/awesome-universal-reactA collection of awesome universal React and React Native frameworks, libraries, design systems, apps and resources.
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedAug 28, 2023 -
next.js Public
Forked from vercel/next.jsThe React Framework
BlogsByShad Public
Forked from iamshadmirza/BlogsByShadRepo for saving blog posts
gitignore Public
Forked from github/gitignoreA collection of useful .gitignore templates
dynamon Public
Forked from deptno/dynamonπ Dynamon is GUI client for DynamoDB, can connect local dynamodb.
transform-www Public
Forked from ritz078/transformπ Transform JS objects to get something useful
vue-native-dribble-challenge Public
Vue Native Template of a Dribbble Design
awesome-speakers Public
Forked from karlhorky/awesome-speakersAwesome speakers in the programming and design communities
flutter_for_react_native Public
Sample code demonstrating Flutter principals for React Native developers
Trovami Public
Forked from Samaritan1011001/TrovamiA live location sharing app built on Flutter and Firebase as backend
vscode Public
Forked from microsoft/vscodeVisual Studio Code
mobx-state-tree Public
Forked from mobxjs/mobx-state-treeOpinionated, transactional, MobX powered state container
flutter Public
Forked from flutter/flutterFlutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful mobile apps.
mobile-center-test Public
React Native Mobile Center basic integration test
react-navigation Public
Forked from react-navigation/react-navigationLearn once, navigate anywhere
native-starter-kit Public
Forked from start-react/native-starter-kitReact Native Starter App with NativeBase + CodePush + Redux
react-native-online-meetups Public
Forked from knowbody/react-native-online-meetupsHelp make this amazing, add any suggestions in the GH issues
1 UpdatedOct 21, 2016 -
webgl-models-animation Public
Forked from tutsplus/webgl-models-animation -
jquery-placeholder Public
Forked from mathiasbynens/jquery-placeholderA jQuery plugin that enables HTML5 placeholder behavior for browsers that arenβt trying hard enough yet