The project is hosted on Heroku and can be viewed here.
- Matchmaking! Click on 'Find game' and get matched up against a random opponent.
- Rooms! If you want to play a friend, get a room!
- Dark mode! A chess website that has dark mode enabled by default? Unheard of!
- Local multiplayer! Pretty self explanatory; play with someone physically near you.
- Move validation! All moves are validated by the chess engine. Valid moves are displayed on clicking a piece. All forms of draws - stalemate, mutual agreement, threefold repetition, and insufficient material - are detected and handled.
- Timer! In online games, you and your opponent each get 10 minutes, exceeding which will result in a loss.
- Robust! As robust as I could make it, anyway. Should withstand temporary disconnection and browser reloads just fine.
NumChess? I'm sorry, haven't heard of it before. That's a weird name if I'm being honest. Does it have something to do with numbers?
- Hikaru Nakamura
You should monetize this.
- My brother, when I averaged 10 website visits a month
React,, Node.js, Material UI.
No database involved.