A basic .NET framework to access the Scoop.it API and a test project (ASP MVC3). (Some feature still need to be developed in order to cover the whole Api)
- Modify the web.config with your consumer key and consumer secret (https://www.scoop.it/apps)
- Do not hesitate to contribute!
<add key="CONSUMER_KEY" value="Your consumer key"/>
<add key="CONSUMER_SECRET" value="Your consumer secret"/>
<add key="CALLBACK" value="/Scoopit/CallbackFromScoopIt"/>
<!-- Below you will enter your topic Name and the number of posts that you want on each page -->
<add key="TOPIC_Name" value="asp-web-development"/>
<add key="NumberPostPerPage" value="10"/>
- Scoop.it Developers Home : http://www.scoop.it/dev
- Scoop.it API Talk : http://groups.google.com/group/scoopit-api-talk