A scheme-like interpreter written in Python. Inspired by this good article by Norvig: http://norvig.com/lispy.html
To execute file:
$ ./clasp.py tests.clasp
To run the REPL:
~/projects/clasp$ ./clasp.py repl
Welcome to Clasp REPL
> (load "tests.clasp")
File tests.clasp executed.
> (sum (range 0 10))
; Clasp is a weird scheme by Claudio.
; These are some basic functions and sanity checks.
(def - (=> (a b) (+ a (* -1 b))))
(def assert (=> (test)
(if (not test) (raise "assert failed"))))
(def assert-equal (=> (a b)
(assert (eq? a b))))
(def squared (=> (x) (* x x)))
(def sum (=> l (reduce l +)))
(def mul (=> l (reduce l *)))
(def range (=> (start end)
(if (eq? start end)
(cons start (range (+ start 1) end)))))
(def for (=> (start end f)
(let (i 0)
(while (< i end) (begin
(f i)
(set! i (+ i 1)))))))
(def fibonacci (=> n
(if (or (eq? n 1) (eq? n 2)) 1
(+ (fibonacci (- n 1)) (fibonacci (- n 2))))))
(assert-equal (- 10 4) 6)
(assert-equal (+ 1.1 1) 2.1)
(assert-equal (fibonacci 7) 13)
(assert-equal (squared 10) 100)
(assert-equal (len (range 0 10)) 10)
(assert-equal (sum (range 0 10)) 45)
(assert-equal (str "hello" " " "world") "hello world")
(assert-equal (let (x 1 y 2) (+ x y)) 3)
(let (i 0) (begin
(set! i (+ i 1))
;;; Python eval
(assert-equal (py "1+1") 2)
(assert-equal (sum (py "[i for i in range(10)]")) (sum (range 0 10)))