Disassembly of the original 1990 Castle Master II: The Crypt ZX Spectrum game by Incentive Software Ltd., 1990
Disassembled by Santiago Ontañón in 2023
This was one of the games built with the classic Freescape 3d engine. It was a very interesting disassembly, and the source code is a very interesting source of routines (polygoin drawing, clipping, math routines, etc.).
- castlemaster2-annotated.asm: this is the main disassembly file. It contains my best effort at annotating and commenting the original source code.
- castlemaster2-original.asm: this is the raw disassembly of the game, with all the code and data areas already identified, but with no comments or annotations.
- loader-annotated.asm: the game loader disassembly with a few comments and annotations. I used the disassembly capabilities of MDL ( https://github.com/santiontanon/mdlz80optimizer ) for generating this file.
- loader-original.asm: this is the raw disassembly of the game loader.
You can see an HTML-rendered version of the disassembly, with syntax highlighting, and some visualization of the graphics here: https://braingames.santiontanon.dev/games/disassembly/castlemaster2/castlemaster2-annotated.html
All the symbol names and comments in this file are my own interpretation of the original source code, they could be wrong. So, take them all with a grain of salt! And if you see any errors, please report!