simple RSS scraper which saves RSS feeds to a database and lets a user view and manage his feeds via a simple API.
The API expose all the necessary functionality to view all feeds registered by the user, the amount of unread entries in his feeds and the ability to comment on a feed item.
Install my-project
mv settings.env.test settings.env
mv db.env.test db.env
docker-compose up -d
chmode 775 ./
POST /user
Parameter | Type | Description |
username |
string |
Required. |
password |
string |
Required. |
POST /token
Parameter | Type | Description |
username |
string |
Required. |
password |
string |
Required. |
POST /resetpassword
Parameter | Type | Description |
username |
string |
Required. |
password |
string |
Required. |
GET /feed/${id}
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. source id |
GET /userfeed/${id}
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. feed id |
PUT /userfeed/${id}
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. feed id |
is_bookmarked |
boolean |
Required. |
is_starred |
boolean |
Required. |
is_read |
string |
Required. |
GET /userfeeds
POST /comment
Parameter | Type | Description |
message |
string |
Required. |
feed |
string |
Required. |
parent |
int |
Not Required. |
GET /feed/${id}
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. feed id |
POST /source
Parameter | Type | Description |
name |
string |
Required. |
GET /categories
POST /source
Parameter | Type | Description |
url |
string |
Required. |
name |
string |
Required. |
category |
int |
Required. |
GET /source
GET /sources/${id}
Parameter | Type | Description |
id |
string |
Required. feed id |
Fetch the feeds periodically and parse them using the universal feedparser and store the entries somewhere.
Use ETags and IfModified headers when fetching feeds to avoid parsing feeds that have not changed since your last fetch. you'll have to maintain Etags and Ifmodified values recieved during last fetch of the feed.
To avoid duplication, each entry should be stored with its unique guid, then check whether an entry with the same guid is already stored or not. (fall back through entry_link, hash of title+feed url to uniquely identify the entry, in case the feed entries have no guid)
Typically, the ETag value is a hash of the content, a hash of the last modification timestamp, or just a revision number.
Another typical use of the ETag header is to cache resources that are unchanged. If a user visits a given URL again (that has an ETag set), and it is stale (too old to be considered usable), the client will send the value of its ETag along in an If-None-Match header field and
With the help of the ETag and the If-Match headers, you can detect mid-air edit collisions.
I used the Date in the header as a fallback if there is no etag or modified information in the feed.
Use feed['headers']['Date'] as a modified information
Use hash(f"{url}{link}{title}") as etag field