A simple application for displaying song words on a device. "Śpiew" (pronounced sh-pje-v) is Polish for song/sing, although "Śpiew App" could be quite unfortunately be misconstrued as "spew up".
Expected features are expected to include
- Search and display song words
- Download song books
- offline access through HTML5 offline application cache
- chords
- annotate with local changes in words
- etc
Search & display song
A song list
script to convert songs into data format
html5 offline application cache works now get the refersh working https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/iphone/conceptual/safarijsdatabaseguide/OfflineApplicationCache/OfflineApplicationCache.html
function updateSite(event) { window.applicationCache.swapCache(); } window.applicationCache.addEventListener('updateready', updateSite, false);
some level of automated tests
- organise song books
- text size http://www.dyn-web.com/code/fontsizer/resize_few.php http://labnol.blogspot.com.au/2006/12/allow-site-visitors-to-change-font.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1386531/css-increase-page-font-size
- reverse colours - for easier reading in bad light conditions
- other colours/themes
- melody preview
- add songs
- show/hide chords
- chord reference
- play tune (JS frameworks)
- link to soundcloud - other