To install RNASeq Analysis Toolkit, you must have a minimum of 6 GiB free disk space and minimum of 16 GiB free RAM to test run.
To provide an easier way to install, we provide a miniconda based installer.
Installation also requires pre-instaled git
, gcc
, cpp
and zlib1g-dev
git clone
cd bulkRNASeqPIPE
chmod 755
Post Installation Instructions
After successful installation, close the current terminal.
In a new terminal. source the bashrc file: source ~/.bashrc
Activate gabtk
environment using command: conda activate
All the third party tools installed using conda are available at $HOME/bulkRNASeqPIPE/ [default location] or the user specified location during the installation process.
The script to run RNASeq Analysis Pipeline is is available inside the bulkRNASeqPIPE folder, that you cloned from github.
The raw-RNASeq reads in FASTQ format must be placed inside a folder with read permission
Allowed extension
for FASTQ reads: fq
, fq.gz
, fastq
, fastq.gz
For paired-end RNAseq reads, sample name must be suffixed with _R1. extension
and _R2. extension
for forward and reverse reads respectively
where sample1
, sample2
, sample3
, sample4
are the sample names
sample_name must be suffixed with _R1.{extension} and _R2.{extension}
For single-end RNAseq reads sample name must be suffixed with .{extension}
Required Files
Reference / draft genome of the organism along with gene annotation files (optional for prokaryotes mandatory for eukaryotes) transcriptome of the organism in FASTA format with .ffn , .fa or .fasta
extension (optional for prokaryotes eukaryotes) must be made available in the same folder containing RNASeq reads.
The reference genome or assembly of the organism in FASTA format with
.fna , .fa or .fasta
extention -
Gene Annotation files in GFF3 or GTF format Note: 1. GFF3 or GTF files must be obtained form NCBI 2. GFF3/GTF file is optional if domain is prokaryote and differential expression analysis method is Alignment Free (Salmon/Kallisto) 3. GFF3/GTF file is mandatory if differential expression analysis method is Alignment Based (STAR / hisat2 / dart / bowtie2 /subread)
The transcriptome of the organism in FASTA format with
.ffn , .fa or .fasta
extension (optional for both Prokaryotes and eukaryotes) Note: 1. For prokaryotes, if user provides the GTF/GFF file and the corresponding transcriptome file, then pipeline will not run PROKKA annotation. 2. The user provided transcriptome file and corresponding GTF file will be used for transcript quantification using SALMON/KAllisto 3. For prokaryotes, if user provides the reference genome/assembly of the organism in FASTA format, the pipeline will trigger prokka to annotate the reference genome and the corresponding transcriptome, gff, gtf and tx2gene files will be made available for downstream analysis. 4. For eukaryotes, user need to provide the gene annotation file in GTF/GFF3 format along with the corresponding reference genome or genome assembly. The pipeline will use gffread program to extract transcript form the genome using the GFF3/GTF file, which will be used for Alignment Free Differential Expression Analysis.
Allowed externsion
a. genome FASTA file: .fna, .fa , .fasta
b. transcriptome FASTA file: .ffn, .fa , .fasta
c. genome annotation file: .gff
or .gtf
1. Prepare Project
To design and perform a RNASeq experiment, a Project need to be prepaired using the
script. Conda environment must be activated before running the script.
Usage: -h <arguments>
-h --help Show this help message and exit
mandatory arguments Description
-i --inputDir Path to Directory containing raw RNASeq reads, annotation file (gff / gtf), genome and (or)
transcriptome FASTA file
type: string
Example: $HOME/bulkRNASeqPIPE/sample_data/mastigocladus
-r --readType RNASeq read type
type: string
allowed values: [single, paired]
-d --domain Organism Domain
type: string
allowed values: [prokaryote, eukaryote]
Optional arguments
-p --projectDir Name of the Project Directory to be created
Must not contain blank spaces and (or) special characters
type: string
Default: MyProject
-s --schedulerPort Scheduler Port Number for luigi
type: int
Default: 8082
-e --emailAddress Provide your email address
type: string
Default: Null
-c --threads Number of threads to be used
type: int
Default = (total threads -1)
-m --maxMemory Maximum allowed memory in GB.
type: int
Default = [(available memory in GB) -1)
Run Example
mkdir RNASeq-Analysis
cd RNASeq-Analysis
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ -i /path/to/bulkRNASeqPIPE/sample_data/ \
-r paired \
-d prokaryote \
-p halomicronema \
-o halomicronema_symlink
Running the script with the above 4 required parameters asks for the individual file types present inside the inputData folder.
User has to choose [pe: paired end
se: single end
geno: genome fasta file
tran: transcriptome fasta file
anot: annotation file
ex: exclude file from analysis
Successful run of the script with appropriate parameters will generate
1. Luigi Configuration file ``luigi.cfg`` in the parent folder
Edit the luigi.cfg file if required.
It is mandatory to provide the path of the adapter file (default location: bulkRNASeqPipe/tasks/utility/adapter.fastq.gz)
2. a project folder in the name of ``halomicronema`` containing three files
3. a configuration folder in the name of config containing 3 files
a. group.tsv
b. pe_samples.lst
b. samples.txt
c. target.tsv
The target.tsv
file contains the sample names with their associated biological conditions, which will be used for differential expression analysis. Kindly check the target.tsv file and modify if required
Commands to run RNA-Seq Workflow - -help
Command Description
1. rawReadsQC Raw Reads Quality Assessment using FASTQC tool
2. cleanReads Process Raw Reads using BBDUK
3. alignmentFreeQuant Quantify transcripts using salmon (or) kallisto
4. alignmentFreeDEA Alignment free differential expression analysis
5. mapReadsToGenome Map RNASeq reads to the genome of the organism
6. alignmentBasedQuant Generates gene counts from .bam files using featureCount tool
7. alignmentBasedDEA Genome alignment based differential expression analysis
8. dnTransAssemble Denovo Assembly of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Transcripts
9. quantifyDAT Quantify denovo assembled transcripts using Salmon
10. clusterDAT Clustred Assembled transcripts based on equivalence class
11. denovoDEA denovo transcriptome assembly based differential expression analysis
- Raw reads quality assessment
Before running any of the RNA-Seq Workflow commands, a project must be prepared using
The parent forlder must have the luigi.cfg file, in which the globalparameters are defined.
Running any of the RNA-Seq Workflow commands without generating the project folder will give rise to luigi.parameter.MissingParameterException
1. Run Prepare Projcet with project name mastigocladus as discussed before
and inspect the pe_samples.lst or se_samples.lst file generated inside config folder
2. Run rawReadsQC
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ rawReadsQC --local-scheduler
Successful execution of rawReadsQC will generate a folder ReadQC/PreQC_pe_reads/
which contains the FASTQC reports of the raw paired-end fastq files
Quality control analysis of the raw samples can be done using command preProcessSamples
1. Execution of command
2. Availability of ``luigi.cfg`` file in ``parent folder`` and ``pe_samples.lst`` inside the ``config``.
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ cleanReads <arguments> --local-scheduler
arguments type Description
--bbduk-Xms int Initial Java heap size in GB
Example: 10
Default: 2
--bbduk-Xmx int Maximum Java heap size in GB
Example: 40
Default: 20
--bbduk-kmer int Kmer length used for finding contaminants
Examle: 13
Default: 11
--bbduk-k-trim str Trimming protocol to remove bases matching reference
kmers from reads. Choose From['f: dont trim','r: trim to right','l: trim to left]
Choices: {f, r, l}
--bbduk-quality-trim int Trim read ends to remove bases with quality below trimq.
Performed AFTER looking for kmers. Values:
rl (trim both ends),
f (neither end),
r (right end only),
l (left end only),
w (sliding window).
Default: f
--bbduk-trim-quality float Regions with average quality BELOW this will be trimmed,
if qtrim is set to something other than f. Can be a
floating-point number like 7.3
Default: 6
--bbduk-min-length int Minimum read length after trimming
Example: 50
--bbduk-trim-front int Number of bases to be trimmed from the front of the read
Example: 5
Default: 0
--bbduk-trim-tail int Number of bases to be trimmed from the end of the read
Example: 5
Default: 0
--bbduk-min-average-quality int Minimum average quality of reads.
Reads with average quality (after trimming) below
this will be discarded
Example: 15
Default: 10
--bbduk-mingc float Minimum GC content threshold
Discard reads with GC content below minGC
Example: 0.1
Default: 0.0
--bbduk-maxgc float Maximum GC content threshold
Discard reads with GC content below minGC
Example: 0.99
Default: 1.0
Example Run
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ python cleanReads \
--bbduk-min-average-quality 15 \
--bbduk-mingc 0.20 \
--bbduk-maxgc 0.70 \
--bbduk-quality-trim w \
/path/to/ProjectFolder/ReadQC/Cleaned_PE_Reads --contains the processed FastQ-reads
4.a. Quantify transcripts
Quantification of the transcripts can be done using command alignmentFreeQuant
- Pre execution of command
- Availability of
file inparent folder
andpe_samples.lst or se_samples.lst
inside theconfig
folder. Note: If the corresponding gtf/gff file is not provided, pipeline will run prokka to annotate the draft / assembly and generate the transcript file
.. code-block:: none
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ alignmentFreeQuant <arguments> --local-scheduler
argument type Description
--pre-process-reads str Run Quality Control Analysis of the RNASeq reads or Not
[yes / no]
If yes, cleanReads command will be run with default parameters.
If no, quality control analysis will not be done, instead or
script of bbmap will be run based on paired-end or single-end reads.
--quantMethod str Read quantification method
[salmon / kallisto]
Example Run 1 quantifyTranscripts
- with out read quality control analysis
--pre-process-reads no
- with read quantification method
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ alignmentFreeQuant --pre-process-reads ``no`` \
--quantMethod ``salmon`` \
Example Run 2 quantifyTranscripts
- with out read quality control analysis
--pre-process-reads no
- with read quantification method
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ alignmentFreeQuant --pre-process-reads ``no`` \
--quantMethod ``kallisto`` \
4.b. Alignment Free Differential Expression Analysis
Transcript Quantification using salmon
/ kallisto
followed by Differential expression analysis with DESeq2
/ edgeR
- Pre execution of command
- Availability of
file inparent folder
andpe_samples.lst or se_samples.lst
inside theconfig
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ alignmentFreeDEA <arguments> --local-scheduler
argument type Description
[required arguments]
--pre-process-reads str Run Quality Control Analysis of the RNASeq reads or Not
[yes / no]
If yes, cleanReads command will be run with default parameters.
If no, quality control analysis will not be done, instead or
script of bbmap will be run based on paired-end or single-end reads.
--quant-method str Read quantification method
[salmon / kallisto]
--dea-method str Method to be used for differential expression analysis.
[deseq2 / edger]
--reference-condition str Reference biological condition.
example: control
[optional arguments]
--attribute-type str Atrribute type in GTF annotation
choose from {gene_id, transcript_id}
--strand-type int perform strand-specific read counting.
choose from [0: unstranded,
1: stranded,
2: reversely-stranded]
--report-name str Name of the differential expression analysis report
Default: DEA_Report
--factor-of-intrest str Factor of intrest column of the target file
Default: conditions
--fit-type str mean-variance relationship.
Choices: {local, parametric, mean}
--size-factor str method to estimate the size factors. Choices: {shorth, median}
--result-tag str Tag need to be apended to result file
Default: treated_vs_control
Example Run Alignment Free Differential Expression Analysis
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ python alignmentFreeDEA \
--pre-process-reads no \
--dea-method deseq2 \
--reference-condition control \
- Pre execution of command
- Availability of
file inparent folder
andpe_samples.lst or se_samples.lst
inside theconfig
folder. - Raw Read Quality Assessemnt and Quality Control Analysis as described in step 2 and 3 respectively.
5.a. Index Genome
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ indexGenome <arguments> --local-scheduler
argument type Description
[required arguments]
--rnaseq-aligner str Name of the aligner to map RNASeq reads to genome FASTA file
[bowtie2, dart, subread, star, segemehl, hisat2]
5.b. Generate Gene Counts
Quantification of the gene can be done using command ``alignmentBasedQuant``
[required arguments]
--rnaseq-aligner str Name of the aligner to be used to map clean reads to indexed genome.
Options [star | hisat2 | dart | bowtie2 | segemehl | subread]
NOTE: star and segemehl demands high memory.
bowtie2 should not be used for domain eukaryote
[optional arguments]
--attributeType str Specify attribute type in GTF annotation.
[gene_id / transcript_id]
Default: gene_id
--strandType int Perform strand-specific read counting.
[0: unstranded / 1: stranded / 2: reversely-stranded]
Default: 0
5.c. Alignment Based Differential Expression Analysis
Transcript Quantification using featureCounts
followed by Differential expression analysis with DESeq2
/ edgeR
- Pre execution of command
- Availability of
file inparent folder
andpe_samples.lst or se_samples.lst
inside theconfig
folder. - Raw Read Quality Assessemnt and Quality Control Analysis as described in step 2 and 3 respectively. alignmentBasedDEA --help
[required arguments]
--rnaseq-aligner str Name of the aligner to be used to map clean reads to indexed genome.
Options [star | hisat2 | dart | bowtie2 | segemehl | subread]
NOTE: star and segemehl demands high memory.
bowtie2 should not be used for domain eukaryote
--pre-process-reads str Run Quality Control Analysis of the RNASeq reads or Not
[yes / no]
If yes, cleanReads command will be run with default parameters.
If no, quality control analysis will not be done, instead or
script of bbmap will be run based on paired-end or single-end reads.
--dea-method str Differential Expression Analysis Method to be used
[deseq2 / edger]
--report-name str Name of the html report
--reference-condition str Reference biological condition. Default: control
[optional parameters]
--result-tag str Tag to be appended to the result folder
Default: treated_vs_control
--alpha float Threshold of statistical significance.
Default: 0.05
--p-adjust-method str p-value adjustment method. [BH | BY ]
Default [Benjamini & Hochberg(BH)]
--factor-of-intrest str Factor of intrest column of the target file
--fit-type str Mean-variance relationship.
[parametric | local | mean]
Default: parametric
--size-factor str Method to estimate the size factors.
[median / short]
Default: median
Example Run Genome based Differential Expression Analysis
Pre execution of command
Availability of luigi.cfg file in parent folder and samples.txt inside the project folder
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ alignmentBasedDEA \ --pre-process-reads yes \ --rnaseq-aligner hisat2 \ --dea-method deseq2 \ --reference-condition control \ --local-scheduler
Denovo Transcript Assembly Based Differential Expression Analysis
6.a. Denovo Transcript Assembly ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Denovo assembly of the RNASeq can be done using command dnTransAssemble
- Pre execution of command
- Availability of
file inparent folder
inside theconfig
folder. - Only paired-end RNASeq reads are used for Denovo Transcript Assembly
- Rockhopper Assembler must be used for prokaryotic RNASeq reads and Trinity (or) spades assemblers must be used for eukaryotic RNASeq reads
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ dnTransAssemble <arguments> --local-scheduler
argument type Description
--pre-process-reads str Run Quality Control Analysis of the RNASeq reads or Not
[yes / no]
If yes, cleanReads command will be run with default parameters.
If no, quality control analysis will not be done, instead or
script of bbmap will be run based on paired-end or single-end reads.
--rnaseq-assembler str choose from [spades, rockhopper, trinity]
Note: please choose rockhopper if domain is prokaryote
choose trinity / spades if domain is eukaryote
Note: To use rockhopper as assembler, domain must be prokaryote in luigi.cfg file To use trinity / spades as assembler, domain must be eukaryote in luigi.cfg file
6.b. Quantify De-novo Assembled Transcripts
Quantification of Denovo assembled transcript can be done using command quantifyDAT
Pre execution of command
Availability of
file inparent folder
inside theconfig
folder. -
Only paired-end RNASeq reads are used for Denovo Transcript Assembly
Rockhopper Assembler must be used for prokaryotic RNASeq reads and Trinity (or) spades assemblers must be used for eukaryotic RNASeq reads
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ quantifyDAT <arguments> --local-scheduler argument type Description --pre-process-reads str Run Quality Control Analysis of the RNASeq reads or Not [yes / no] If yes, cleanReads command will be run with default parameters. If no, quality control analysis will not be done, instead or script of bbmap will be run based on paired-end or single-end reads. --rnaseq-assembler str choose from [spades, rockhopper, trinity] Note: please choose rockhopper if domain is prokaryote choose trinity / spades if domain is eukaryote --local-scheduler
Note: To use rockhopper as assembler, domain must be prokaryote in luigi.cfg file To use trinity / spades as assembler, domain must be eukaryote in luigi.cfg file
Example Run 1 quantify De-novo Assembled Transcripts (prokaryotes)
- with out read quality control analysis
--pre-process-reads no
and--rnaseq-assembler rockhopper
Note: To use rockhopper as assembler, domain must be prokaryote in luigi.cfg file
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ quantifyDAT \
``--pre-process-reads no`` \
``--rnaseq-assembler rockhopper`` \
Example Run 2 quantify De-novo Assembled Transcripts (eukaryotes)
- with out read quality control analysis
--pre-process-reads yes
and--rnaseq-assembler trinity
Note: To use trinity as assembler, domain must be eukaryote in luigi.cfg file
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ quantifyDAT \
``--pre-process-reads yes`` \
``--rnaseq-assembler spades`` \
6.c. Cluster De-novo Assembled Transcripts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Cluster of Denovo assembled transcript can be done using command clusterDAT
- Pre execution of command
- Availability of
file inparent folder
inside theconfig
folder. - Only paired-end RNASeq reads are used for Denovo Transcript Assembly
- Rockhopper Assembler must be used for prokaryotic RNASeq reads and Trinity (or) spades assemblers must be used for eukaryotic RNASeq reads
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ clusterDAT <arguments> --local-scheduler
argument type Description
--pre-process-reads str Run Quality Control Analysis of the RNASeq reads or Not
[yes / no]
If yes, cleanReads command will be run with default parameters.
If no, quality control analysis will not be done, instead or
script of bbmap will be run based on paired-end or single-end reads.
--rnaseq-assembler str choose from [spades, rockhopper, trinity]
Note: please choose rockhopper if domain is prokaryote
choose trinity / spades if domain is eukaryote
Note: To use rockhopper as assembler, domain must be prokaryote in luigi.cfg file To use trinity / spades as assembler, domain must be eukaryote in luigi.cfg file
Example Run 1 cluster De-novo Assembled Transcripts (prokaryotes)
- with out read quality control analysis
--pre-process-reads no
and--rnaseq-assembler rockhopper
Note: To use rockhopper as assembler, domain must be prokaryote in luigi.cfg file
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ clusterDAT \
``--pre-process-reads no`` \
``--rnaseq-assembler rockhopper`` \
Example Run 2 cluster De-novo Assembled Transcripts (eukaryotes)
1. with out read quality control analysis ``--pre-process-reads yes`` and ``--rnaseq-assembler trinity``
Note: To use trinity as assembler, domain must be eukaryote in luigi.cfg file
[RNASeq-Analysis]$ clusterDAT \
``--pre-process-reads yes`` \
``--rnaseq-assembler spades`` \
6.d. Denovo transcript assembly Based Differential Expression Analysis
Transcript Quantification using ``salmon`` Clustering using ``Corset`` followed by Differential expression analysis with ``DESeq2`` / ``edgeR``
- Pre execution of command
- Availability of
file inparent folder
inside theconfig
folder. - Raw Read Quality Assessemnt and Quality Control Analysis as described in step 2 and 3 respectively. denovoDEA --help
[required arguments]
--rnaseq-assembler str Choose from [spades, rockhopper, trinity]
Note: please choose rockhopper if domain is prokaryote
choose trinity / spades if domain is eukaryote
--pre-process-reads str Run Quality Control Analysis of the RNASeq reads or Not
[yes / no]
If yes, cleanReads command will be run with default parameters.
If no, quality control analysis will not be done, instead or
script of bbmap will be run based on paired-end or single-end reads.
--dea-method str Differential Expression Analysis Method to be used
[deseq2 / edger]
--reference-condition str Reference biological condition. Default: control
Note: please check ``target.tsv`` file inside ``config`` folder for `` --reference-condition``
[optional parameters]
--result-tag str Tag to be appended to the result folder
Default: treated_vs_control
--alpha float Threshold of statistical significance.
Default: 0.05
--p-adjust-method str p-value adjustment method. [BH | BY ]
Default [Benjamini & Hochberg(BH)]
--factor-of-intrest str Factor of intrest column of the target file
--fit-type str Mean-variance relationship.
[parametric | local | mean]
Default: parametric
--size-factor str Method to estimate the size factors.
[median / short]
Default: median